Be sad, as we would make ye: think ye see
The very persons of our noble story
As they were living; think you see them great,
And follow'd with the general throng and sweat 28
Of thousand friends; then in a moment see
How soon this mightiness meets misery:
And if you can be merry then, I'll say
A man may weep upon his wedding day. 32
Scene One
[London. An Antechamber in the Palace]
Enter the Duke of Norfolk at one door; at the other, the Duke of Buckingham and the Lord Abergavenny.
Buck. Good morrow, and well met. How have you done,
Since last we saw in France?
Nor. I thank your Grace,
Healthful; and ever since a fresh admirer
Of what I saw there.
Buck. An untimely ague 4
Stay'd me a prisoner in my chamber, when
Those suns of glory, those two lights of men,
Met in the vale of Andren.
Nor. 'Twixt Guynes and Arde:
I was then present, saw them salute on horseback; 8
Beheld them, when they lighted, how they clung
In their embracement, as they grew together;
25, 26 Cf. n.
Scene One S. d. Duke of Norfolk, Duke of Buckingham, Lord Abergavenny; cf. n.
2 saw: met
6 Those suns of glory; cf. n.
7 vale of Andren; cf. n.