And therefore take this compact of a truce,
Although you break it when your pleasure serves.
War. How sayst thou, Charles? shall our condition stand? 165
Char. It shall;
Only reserv'd, you claim no interest
In any of our towns of garrison.
York. Then swear allegiance to his majesty; 169
As thou art knight, never to disobey
Nor be rebellious to the crown of England,
Thou, nor thy nobles, to the crown of England.
[Charles, &c., give tokens of fealty.]
So, now dismiss your army when ye please; 173
Hang up your ensigns, let your drums be still,
For here we entertain a solemn peace. Exeunt.
Scene Five
[London. A Room in the Palace]
Enter Suffolk in conference with the King, Gloucester, and Exeter.
King. Your wondrous rare description, noble earl,
Of beauteous Margaret hath astonish'd me:
Her virtues, graced with external gifts
Do breed love's settled passions in my heart: 4
And like as rigour of tempestuous gusts
Provokes the mightiest hulk against the tide,
So am I driven by breath of her renown
Either to suffer shipwrack, or arrive 8
Where I may have fruition of her love.
Suf. Tush! my good lord, this superficial tale
Is but a preface of her worthy praise:
The chief perfections of that lovely dame— 12