two versions and may pass as a fair sample of the True Tragedy style.
II. vi. 42-44. The speeches are divided as in the True Tragedy. The Folio gives lines 42, 43, and the first four words of 44 to Richard, Edward's speech beginning 'And now.'
II. vi. 49. But set. An example of confused syntax; 'but' is redundant. Lines 47-51 are a bad example of sentimental amplification of two simple verses in the True Tragedy:
'Who kild our tender brother Rutland,
And stabd our princelie father Duke of Yorke.'
II. vi. 90. the Lady Bona. Daughter to the Duke of Savoy and sister to the French queen. She lived at the court of her brother-in-law, Louis XI. Warwick did advocate this marriage for King Edward, and was displeased when he married Lady Grey; but the negotiations concerning the Lady Bona in 1464 cannot be regarded as the immediate cause of the open rupture between Warwick and Edward five years later.
II. vi. 107. Gloucester's dukedom is too ominous. The chroniclers comment upon the fact that three Dukes of Gloucester before Richard had come to miserable ends. One was Duke Humphrey, who figures in the first and second parts of Henry VI, and another Duke Thomas 'of Woodstock,' whose murder is frequently alluded to in Richard II.
III. i. S. d. Enter Sinklo and Humphrey. The True Tragedy reads 'Enter two keepers with bow and arrowes.' Compare note on I. ii. 47 S. d., where similarly the Folio substitutes the name of the actor. Sinklo is John Sinkler, an unimportant member of Shakespeare's company. His name occurs in connection with small rôles in the Induction to The Taming of the Shrew and in 2 Henry IV, V. iv. (Quarto version). Humphrey seems to be Humphrey Jeffes, a