bootless: 47 (III. iii. 24)
bound my horse: 113 (V. ii. 145)
bowels, in the: 37 (II. iv. 102)
brave: 38 (III. Chor. 5)
bravely: 84 (IV. iii. 69)
break: 116 (V. ii. 264)
breath: 38 (II. iv. 145)
bring: 30 (II. iii. 2)
broached: 104 (V. Chor. 32)
broken music: 116 (V. ii. 262)
bubukles: 57 (III. vi. Ill)
buffet: 113 (V. ii. 145)
bully: 69 (IV. i. 48)
but: 51 (III. v. 12)
but in purged judgment: 28 (II. ii. 136)
buxom: 54 (III. vi. 27)
by and by: 23 (II. ii. 2)
Cadwallader: 105 (V. i. 29)
capital: 111 (V. ii. 96)
careers: 23 (II. i. 133)
careful: 76 (IV. i. 251)
carefully, more than: 33 (II. iv. 2)
carry coals: 43 (III. ii. 51)
case: 41 (III. ii. 5)
casted slough: 68 (IV. i. 23)
cause of policy: 4 (I. i. 45)
caveto: 32 (II. iii. 56)
ceremonies: 71 (IV. i. 110)
chaces: 15 (I. ii. 266)
chambers: 39 (III. Chor. S. d.)
charge: 6 (I. ii. 15)
Charlemain: 8 (I. ii. 75)
Charles the Great: 7 (I. ii. 46)
charter'd: 4 (I. i. 48)
che vous la: 69 (IV. i. 35)
Cheshu: 43 (III. ii. 69)
chez: 60 (III. vii. 15)
Chorus: 2 (I. Chor. 32)
christom: 31 (II. iii. 12)
chuck: 42 (III. ii. 27)
civil: 13 (I. ii. 199)
clear thy crystals: 32 (II. iii. 57)
close: 12 (I. ii. 182)
closet: 115 (V. ii. 210)
comes o'er: 15 (I. ii. 267)
companies: 4 (I. i. 55)
compassing: 78 (IV. i. 314)
complement: 28 (II. ii. 134)
compound (decide) : 22 (II. i. 103)
compound (come to terms) : 84 (IV. iii. 80)
condition: 107 (V. i. 84)
condole: 23 (II. i. 134)
confounded: 40 (III. i. 13)
congreeing: 12 (I. ii. 182)
congreeted: 109 (V. ii. 31)
conscience: 72 (IV. i. 124)
consent: 12 (I. ii. 181)
consideration: 3 (I. i. 28)
consign: 111 (V. ii. 90)
contemplation: 4 (I. i. 63)
contrived: 73 (IV. i. 173)
convey'd: 8 (I. ii. 74)
convoy: 83 (IV. iii. 37)
copy: 40 (III. i. 24)
corantos: 52 (III. v. 33)
couch: 80 (IV. ii. 37)
coulter: 109 (V. ii. 46)
couple a gorge: 21 (II. i. 75)
coursing: 11 (I. ii. 143)
cousin: 6 (I. ii. 4)
coxcomb: 106 (V. i. 45)
coz: 82 (IV. iii. 30)
crescive in his faculty: 4 (I. i. 66)
Crispian, feast of: 83 (IV. iii. 40)
crush'd: 12 (I. ii. 175)
cue, upon our: 58 (III. vi. 134)
cullions: 42 (III. ii. 23)
cunning: 113 (V. ii. 149)
currance: 3 (I. i. 34)