Page:Henry V (1918) Yale.djvu/77

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Henry the Fifth, III. vii

Con. If the English had any apprehension
they would run away. 151

Orl. That they lack; for if their heads had
any intellectual armour they could never wear
such heavy head-pieces.

Ram. That island of England breeds very
valiant creatures: their mastiffs are of un-
matchable courage. 157

Orl. Foolish curs! that run winking into the
mouth of a Russian bear and have their heads
crushed like rotten apples. You may as well say
that's a valiant flea that dare eat his breakfast
on the lip of a lion. 162

Con. Just, just; and the men do sympathize
the mastiffs in robustious and rough com-
ing on, leaving their wits with their wives: and
then give them great meals of beef and iron
and steel, they will eat like wolves and fight
like devils. 168

Orl. Ay, but these English are shrewdly out
of beef.

Con. Then shall we find to-morrow they have
only stomachs to eat and none to fight. Now is
it time to arm; come, shall we about it? 173

Orl. It is now two o'clock: but, let me see, by ten
We shall have each a hundred Englishmen. Exeunt.

150 apprehension: intelligence
163 sympathize with: resemble
164 robustious: sturdy