man that he is not to address me again. His wages we shall leave at the hotel office."
"Damn the wages!" roared the guide. "Look here, do you think—"
Scarlett's face was suddenly within an inch of his own. Both men were dangerously pale.
"You heard your orders," said the younger. "Or shall I repeat them, Mr. Jeweller?"
The deep-set eyes contracted evilly, met Scarlett's in a mutual menace. Without moving them, the courier spoke:
"Very well, Miss Holborow. Now I understand. Let your young man keep him for you. He'll be sorry."
Owen's arms tightened, drew slowly up from his sides. Borkman wheeled, and marched away aft.
"Oh, the—wretch!" cried both women together. Laura's cheeks flamed. Her aunt first broke the awkward silence.
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