but old-fashioned. Don't mix it up … use plenty o' footwork … look sharp and cross-counter.… Mind you, use your right on him.…"
A bell rang sharply. The spectators lined the edge of the verandah, swung up to the tables, flattened themselves in corners. With a parting slap, the second muttered in Scarlett's ear. "Kill the bloomin' lime-juicer!" And the two men stepped out into the centre, where a swaying Chinese lantern twirled on the floor a spidery shadow of thin spokes.
Pre-eminent on the billiard-table, the engineer announced judicially:
"This argument, gentlemen, will tairminate in seven rounds. It will effect a deceesion as to whether this cat is a Jap or a Siamee cat, and which of these two human bein's is the better man."
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