Page:Herbert Jenkins - The Rain Girl.djvu/64

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Beresford. "You know you think I'm an ass, why on earth can't you tell me so?"

"You might let me know your address when you get settled," said Tallis, ignoring his patient's petulance. "I'd like to keep in touch with you."

"I shall stay at the Ritz-Carlton," announced Beresford, covertly watching Tallis to see the effect of the announcement upon him.

"The Ritz-Carlton," repeated Tallis, without any show of surprise. "I believe they do you rather well there," he remarked quietly. "I suppose she's going to stay there."

"She! Who?" Beresford started up and looked across at Tallis in astonishment.

"The girl with the eyes."

Beresford laughed. "It's no good trying to keep anything from you," he cried. "She's going to stay there, and I must see her again. What has happened I don't know; but she seems to have changed the whole universe for me. How it's all going to end, God only knows," he added gloomily. "All I know is that I must see her again. The thing is when can I start?"

For a few minutes Tallis smoked in silence, obviously thinking deeply, at last he spoke.

"I think perhaps you're right, Beresford. It will have to be London. It would be no use your going to Folkestone in the flesh, if you were in London in the spirit. I think a week or ten days might see you fit to travel, provided you take care."