Page:Heresies of Sea Power (1906).djvu/368

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Armada, the Spanish, 77, 117, 219
Armchair moralists, 324
Armour, 289, 308, 311, 328
Artillery Corps, the Russian, 285
Athenians, 11, 24 et seq., 34, 149,
257, 286, 291, 301
Atilius, 48
Atlantic, 16
Australia, 180, 187
Austrians, 261, 329
Austro-Italian War, 147, 261, 328

Baltic Fleet, the, 15, 75, 77, 83,
140, 200, 322
Base Power, 126 et seq.
Battle of Aboukir, 120
Actium, 72, 119, 255, 262, 283,
Ægentine Islands, 51
Ægospotami, 26, 33, 36, 262,
Algeciras, 120
Angamos, 153
Cannæ, 62, 117
Cape St. Vincent, 303
Chemulpo, 88, 193
Cyzicus, 33, 36, 116
Ecnomus, 49
Kinburn, 130
Lepanto, 38, 74, 262, 268, 270,
Lissa, 118, 261, 328
Metaurus, 63, 66
Naupaktis, 11, 29, 117
Navarino, 120
Nile, 4, 120
Round Island, 94, 112, 121,
123, 192, 264
St. Lucia, 119
Salamis, 10, 118, 120
Santiago de Cuba, 131, 229
Sphakteria, 120
Trafalgar, 3, 93, 116, 143, 260,
264, 293, 296, 322, 325
Tsushima, 93, 116, 143, 260,
264, 293, 300, 322, 324,
Tyndaris, 48
Utica, 65, 67
Yalu, 13, 74, 264, 304, 318
Zama, 70
Battleships, 282, 305, 310
Bayan, the, 92 et seq.
Belleville boilers, 176, 268
Belt protection, 307
Benedetto Brin, the, 318
Blockades, 19
Blocking, 91
Blue Water School, the, 45, 50,
Boer War, see Anglo-Boer War
Bombardments, 131, 212
Boodes, 45
Borodino, the, 97, 104, 301
Box batteries, 314
Brandenburg, the, 317, 320
Brennus, the, 317
Brest, 111 et seq., 244
'Bricks and Mortar,' 50
British, 75, 77, 121, 150, 167, 240
244, 302, 308, 326
British press, 246
Broadside fire, 115
Broadside ships, 312
Bulk, 306

Calder, 112
Canada, 180
Cannæ, battle of, 62, 117
Cannon, introduction of, 17
Cape St. Vincent, battle of, 303
Captain, the, 314
Capua, 325
Carthaginians, 39 et seq, 83, 98,
149, 179, 249, 255, 258, 322
Caution, 334
Chance, 275
Chemulpo, battle of, 88, 193
Chili-Peruvian War, 146, 153, 161,
Chinese, the, 291, 304
Chino-Japanese War, 74, 304
Civilisation, its effects on war, 163
Claudius, 52
Cleopatra, 73
Clypæa, 50
Coaling, 157, 173, 198, 268
Coles, Captain, 311
Collingwood, 248
Colonies, 179 et seq.
Commerce, attack and defence,
142, 145, 154, 161
Complications, international, 163
Concentration, 122