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Page:Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus Vol II (IA cu31924092287113).djvu/404

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The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus.

Element of the Sun, ii. 130.

Elias the Artist, i. 27.

Eliphas Levi, i. 288.

Elixir, notable, 335, 336; elixir at the white, ib.; elixir from Luna, ib.; what elixir is, ii. 99; a ferment, 69 n.; conservation by, 71; quintessence the fourth elixir, 75; subtlety the fifth elixir, ib.; propriety the sixth elixir, 76; elixir of Nature, 154; elixir of gold, ii. 333.

Ellebore, ii. 59.

Emerald, a defence of chastity, i. 17; whence derived, 17 n., 224, 243; quintessence of, ii. 24, 130.

Emerald Table of Hermes, i. 19.

Enigmas of alchemy, ii. 97 n.

Enochdiani, ii. 340, 341, 344.

Ens, ii. 112.

Enur, ii. 279.

Erucæ, ii. 258.

Estimation, i. 173; ii. 120.

Eternal Mystery, ii. 4.

Euphrasia, i. 189.

Eurus, i. 218.

Evestra, i. 193; ii. 273, 274, 275.

Exaltation, i. 152 n.

Fæces, i. 297.

Faith and Divination, i. 185 n.

Falling Sickness, ii. 111, 128, 158.

False Processes for the Stone, i. 55.

Fatacesti, ii. 254.

Fel Vitri, i. 163.

Ferments, secret of, i. 70.

Fire, purges imperfections, i. 4; especially in the prime substances, 4 n.; generation of metals by fire, 5 n.; virtues of, 42 n., i. 211; the subject of art, 74; not an element, 74 n.; manifold nature of, 75; ultimate and primal matter of everything, 90; separation of elements from, ii. 20; its fourfold nature, 129; a twofold fire, 129.

First Entities, ii. 84, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136.

First Principle and ultimate matter, i. 91.

Fishes, separation of elements from, ii. 18.

Fistula Cassiæ, i. 137.

Fixation, i. 153.

Fixation of spirits, i. 309, 310.

Fixed Augment, i. 326.

Fixed Oil, i. 313.

Fixed Substances, separation of elements from, ii. 20.

Flaccum, ii. 41.

Fleshly Substances, separation of elements from, ii. 18.

Flos Æris, i. 199.

Flos Cheiri, ii. 332, 333.

Flying Eagle, i. 40, 286.

Fortunatus, ii. 83.

Foundation of Philosophers, i. 321.

Four Complexions, ii. 126, 127.

Four Elements, ii. 84.

Four Humours, ii. 127 n.

François de Nation, i. 299.

Freising, i. 322.

Fuligo Mercurii, i. 139, 149.

Fulmination, i. 274.

Galen, i. 20, 36, 73; ii. 81 n., 82, 98, 99, 162, 169.

Gall, ii. 23.

Gamahea, i. 51; varieties of, 51 n.; ii. 295.

Gamandria, i. 230.

Gamonynum, ii. 340.

Garyophyllon, i. 134.

Geber, i. 57, 59, 67, 298.

Gems, manner of their origin, i. 16 n.; generation of, 126; transmutation of, 158; 233, 243, 255; sulphur of, 269; medical uses of, ii. 216, 217.

Generation, two-fold, i. 12 ; ii. 6 n.; how originated, i. 296.

Genestum, ii. 157.

Gentian, i. 229.

Geomancy, i. 171, 189; stars of, 190; ii. 297.

Geometry, ii. 297.

Giants, i. 125, 162; ii. 261.

Glass, i. 162.

Gnomes, ii. 258.

Gold, how generated, i. 111; growth of, 129; sulphur of, 266; calx of, 276; Mercury of, 278, 292; astral, elementary, and vulgar, 301; solution of, 313; separation from the cup, 316; quintessence of, ii. 8, 26, 28; difference between quintessence and potable gold, ii. 28 n.; magistery of, 48; fifth essence of, 74; first entity of, 131; medical uses of, 225, 226.

Golden Herb, i. 129.

Gout, ii. 111, 128, 130.

Gradation, meaning of the term, i. 31 n.; number of gradations, 31.

Granate, i. 255; ii. 130.

Grasses, separation of elements from, ii. 20.

Gravel, ii. 130.

Great Architect, i. 295.

Great Artificer, ii. 250.

Great Composition, ii. 90.

Great Mystery, ii. 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 258, 259, 261, 262, 265, 269, 271, 272, 280.

Green Lion, i. 38.