giant oak-trees on one side of the rath. For a few minutes Fionn stood gazing upwards at the starry sky, wondering at the curious exultation and sense of power which possessed him; then, as he felt a slight touch on his arm, he started, and looking down saw a man of the Fianna standing by his side, with spear and shield in his hands.
"Have you come to keep guard with me?" asked Fionn. "I have given my word to the king that I alone will watch this night, and I cannot break my word."
"Nay," answered the man; "it is not I who would ask the son of Cumall to break his word. I am Fiacha mac Congha, and your father was foster-father to me in my youth—for his sake I would help his son. Though the Invisible Ones may aid you this night, yet have I here with me a shield and spear of power which may be of some use to you in the coming encounter. The shield was fashioned by Culain, smith of the Tuatha de Danann; the spear was forged by him also, and a wrong cast never yet was made by it."