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been for many years, on account of its beautiful and picturesque scenery, the resort of many of England's most brilliant men of genius. Professor Wilson ("Christopher North”), the Coleridges, Wordsworth, Southey, De Quincey—these are some of the literary lights which have in past years frequented and illuminated this region. But we doubt if any of these, endeared as they all are to thousands to whom they gave voice and expression, will have a more enduring fame, or render more hallowed the lovely scenery which environs the lakes, than the quiet invalid who, debilitated in body, yet strong and serene in mind, still inhabits her little cottage at Ambleside, within a mile of Wordsworth’s home, and from which, despite her advanced years and increasing ailments, she still occasionally sends out strong, trenchant words, where words are needed to help right any wrong. It is now more than twenty years since Miss Martineau first established herself at Ambleside, and in that quiet retreat some of her