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My daddie is dead & left me some lan',lass gin ye lo'e me tell me true;And aft-times I maun gang to the barn,an' I canna win ilka day to woo.
I ha'e corn will soon be made meal,lass gin ye lo'e me tell me now;And I ha'e barley to mak some kail,an' I canna come ilka day to woo.
I ha'e laid three Herring in Sa't,lass gin ye lo'e me tell me now ;I ha'e brewn a Forpet o' Ma't,an' I canna come ilka day to woo.
I ha'e a Calf will soon be a Cow,lass gin ye lo'e me tell me now;I ha'e a Pig will soon be a Sow,an' I canna come ony mair to woo.
I ha'e a House on yonder Muir,lass gin ye lo'e me tell me now,Three Sparrows may dance upo' the floor,an' I canna come ilka day to woo.
I ha'e a Butt and I ha'e a Ben,lass gin ye lo'e me tak me now;I ha'e three Chickens and a fat Hen,an' canna come ony mair to woo.