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Maine; and three times was a candidate of his

party for congress. In 1857 he was chos-

en attorney-general of the state. He died in 1861 in Maine. Appleton, Nathaniel, clergyman, author, was born Dec. 9, 1693, in Ipswich, Mass. He was a congregational minister; and in 171779 was one of the corporation of Harvard university. He published sermons and occasional discourses. He died Feb. 9, 1784, in Cambridge, Mass. Appleton, R. Hoss, banker, financier, was born in 1853 in Beaver county. Pa. Since 1878 he has resided in Brooklyn, N.Y., during which time he has been active in the poli.

tical and club life of that city. He was one of the organizers of the Brooklyn public library and was trustee of the Carnegie fund for the erection of branch

library buildings.


served the republican party as a delegate to the national conventions. He was receiver and assessments in the city of Brooklyn under Mayor Wurster and Mayor Sehieren; and was republican member of the civil service commission under Mayor McClel-

of taxes

He is president of the Fourteenth street bank; and a director in other financial institutions and manufacturing establishments. Appleton, Samuel, merchant, philanthropist, was bom June 23, 1766, in New Ipswich, N.H. He was an importer; and established cotton mills in Waltham and Lowell, Mass. At his death the sum of two hundred thousand dollars was distributed among charities. He died in Lowell, Mass. lan.



was born March He was the author et,

Gold, artist, author, po31, 1813, in Boston, Mass. of


Sheaf of Papers;


Nile Journal; Windfalls; Syrian Sunshine; Chequer- Work and Faded Leaves, a, volume of verse. He died April 17, 1884, in New



Appleton, William, merchant, congressman,

was born Nov. 16, 1786, in Brooklyn, N.Y. About 1807 he moved to Boston, where for over fifty years he was a successful merchant. He took a prominent part in various public and benevolent enterprises; and gave much attention to banking and financial operations. In 1851-55 and 1861-63 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the thirty-second, thirty-third and thirty-seventh congresses. He died Feb. 20, 1862, in Long-

wood, near Boston, Mass. Appleton, William Henry, publisher, was born Jan. 27, 1814, in Haverhill, Mass.; and is a son of Daniel Appleton. In 1835 he was sent to represent the house in London, where he established an agency. In 1838 he was taken into partnership and became head of D. Appleton and company. He died Oct. 19, 1899, in Riverdale, N.Y.

Appleton, William Hyde, educator, author, 10, 1843, in Portland, Maine. Since 1873 he has been professor of Greek at Swarthmore college of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Greek Poets in English Verse.

was born June

Appleton, William Sumner, numismatist, genealogist, author, was born Jan. 11, 1840, in Boston, Mass. In 1860 he became secretary of the Boston numismatic society. He was Centhe author of Medals in Washington ; tury of the Senate of the United States; and scores of genealogical papers. He died in 1905 in Boston, Mass.




was born Nov.



Brooklyn, N.Y.; and is a son of William H. Appleton. In recent years he has given more of his time to the editorial department and the London ofiice. He is a director in the American book company, a corporation founded in 1890 with a capital of five million dollars. He is actively identified with the New York free library, of which he was one of the founders. founder,

39, 1845, in

Appling, Daniel, soldier, was born Aug. Columbia county, Ga. In 1814 he commanded a detachment of one hundred and thirty riflemen on board a flotilla bearing cannon and naval stores to the unfinished ship Superior at Saekett's harbor, then blockaded by the British. He distinguished himself afterward at Plattsburg; and was brevetted colonel in 1814. He died March 18, 1817, in Fort Montgomery, Ala. 35, 1787, in

Apsley, Lewis Dewart, manufacturer, congressman, was born Sept. 39, 1853, in Northumberland, Pa. In 1885 he established himself as a manufacturer of rubber clothing in Hudson, Mass. He is president and treasurer of the Apsley rubber company; president of the Millay last company; president of the Hudson board of trade; a director in the

Hudson national bank; and




other enterprises. In 1893-97 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the fifty-third and fifty-fourth congresses.

Apthorp, William Foster, author, was born 24, 1848, in Boston, Mass. He is a musical and dramatic critic on the Evening Transcript of Boston, Mass. and a noted lecturer. He is the author of Musicians and Music-Lovers, and Other Essays. Oct.



Joseph, physician, auth-

was born in 1852 in Syria. He was a founder and publisher of Kawkab America. He is a physician of New York City. He is the author of A Complete Self-Teaching Manual of the Arabic and English Languages. or,

Arbuckle, Charles, coffee importer, was born in 1833 in Allegheny City, Pa. His early years were passed in Allegheny City, Pa., where h« became a pirominent wholesale grocer. In 1871 with his brother John he established a factory for the preparation of roasted and ground coffee in Brooklyn, N.Y. and in 1875 transferred all his interests to that city. He died March 27, 1891, in Brooklyn, " -^ N.Y.