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five times in the Rhode Island house of representatives. In 1783-98 he was a trustee of Brown university. He died Sept. 30, 1798, in Providence, R.I.


Arnold, William Carlisle, lawyer, congressman, was born July 15, 1851, in Luthersburg, Pa. He was admitted to the bar in 1875; and has practiced law continuously since. In 1895-99 he was a, representative from Pennsylvania to the flfty-fourth and fifty-fifth congresses as a republican. Arnold, Will Ford, naval officer, was born about 1850 in Tennessee. In 1888 he became assistant surgeon in the United States navy; in 1891 was appointed passed assistant surgeon; and in 1900 was promoted to surgeon. In 1899-1901 he was attached to the navy yard at Pensacola, Fla.; and in 1901 was attached to the New Orleans. Arnold, William R., educator, author, was

born Nov.

14, 1872, in Syria, of




Arnot, John, financier, congressman, was born March 31, 1831, in Elmira, N.Y. He was three times president of the village of Elmira; was the first mayor after its incorporation; and was subsequently twice-reelected mayor. He became cashier of the Chemung canal bank in 1851. In 1883-87 he was a representative from New York to the forty-eighth and forty-ninth congresses as a democrat. He died Nov. 20, 1886, in Elmira. Arnot, Matthias HoUenback, capitalist, was born Nov. 10, 1833. As president of the Chemung canal bank, a family institution, he has sustained the financial credit of Elmira in every storm. I-Iis art gallery, which has cost not less than three hundred thousand dollars, is an evidence that his aspirations are higher and better that the mere love of gain. Among his practical interests are the Chemung canal bank, the Sheldon saddlery company, the Junction canal company, the Seneca lake steam navigation com-

pany, the Chemung plank road company and the Elmira industrial association, of most of which he is the head.

Amoux, William Henry,



Sept. 12, 1831, in New York City. Until 1882 he practiced law in New York City; in 1882-95 was judge of the superior court; and in 1889-90 was president of the New York state bar association. He died in 1907 in New York City.

was born

W. M.


governor. In 1867-69 he

territorial governor of

New Mex-

ico Territory.





was born about 1860 in Russia. For many years he was manager of the Bijou theater of New York City; and was the projector and builder of the Casino, with the first roof garden in America. He is the composer of nearly two hundred pieces for the orchestra including the famous Sweet Sixteen waltz. Aronson, Maurice, musician, pianist,


was born June 24, 1869, in Russia. In 18961900 he was pianist for the Chicago conservatory of music. He has contributed compositions to standard musical publications. Aronstam, Noah E., physician, surgeon, author, was born Feb. 18, 1873, in Russia. He received his medical education at the Michigan college of medicine; and for several years he was professor of dermatology and' genito-urinary diseases in that institution. He has attained suc-

He was

educated at the Ohio Wesleyan university; and in 1895 graduated from the Union theological seminary of New York. Since 1903 he has been Hitchcock professor of Hebrew language and literature at the Andover theological seminary. He is the author of Ancient Babylonian Temple Records. Arnold-Strothotte Maurice, musician, composer, was born Jan. 19, 1865, in St. Louis, Mo. He is editor for the Cosmopolitan music company of New York City. He is the author of American Plantation Dances; Dramatic Overture; and various songs and valents.


was acting





physician and surgeon of Detroit, Mich:; and; is a member of the leading medicinal societies and scientific associations. He is the

author of two medical works and numerous articles on medical topics. Arrasmith, James Murray, soldier, was bor in Iowa. In 1872-77 he was private to sergeant in the fourth United States cavalry under the name of James Murray; and in 1880-83 was in the seventh cavalry. In 188391 he was second lieutenant in the second regiment United States infantry. In 1891 he became first lieutenant in the second infantry; was made captain in 1898; and in 1900 was transferred to the eignteenth infantry. In 1899 he was major and chief of commissary of subsistence of volunteers; and is now major of the fifteenth regiment United States infantry at Manila, P.I. Arrington, Alfred W., lawyer, author, poet, was born in September, 1810, in Iredell county, N.C. He practiced his profession in Missouri. He moved to Arkansas in 1835; and was sent to the state legislature. In 1857 he went to Chicago, and won a very high reputation as a constitutional lawyer. He was the author of The Rangers and Regulators of the Tanaha; Sketches of the Southwest and Poems, with Memoir. He died Dec. 31, 1867, in Chicago, 111. Arrington, Archibald H., congressman,, was born about 1800 in North Carolina. In 1841-45 he was a representative from North Carolina to the twenty-seventh and twentyeighth congresses. He was a member of the confederate congress for one term during the civil war. He died July 80, 1872, in Raleigh, N.C.