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and botanist to the Indiana experiment tion.




the author of Living Plants and

Their Properties. Arthur, Julia, actress, was born



1869, in Canada. She has attained prominLady of ence as a successful actress in Quality, Ingomar, As You Like It and other


famous dramas. Arthur, Peter M., labor leader, was born about 183] in Scotland. In 1876 he was elected grand chief and engineer of the brotherhood of locomotive engineers; and conducted the greatest strike ever inaugurated by that federation.

Arthur, Timothy Shay, journalist, publishauthor, was born in 1809 in Newburg, N.y. In 1841 he moved to Philadelphia, where in 1853 he founded Arthur's Home Magazine, of which he was editor. He was the author of Ten Nights in a Bar-Room; Si-x Nights with the Washingtonlans ; Tales of Married Life; Light and Shadows of Real Life; Tales for Rich and Poor; Steps to Heaven; and The Good Time Coming. He died March 6, 1885, in Philadelphia, Pa. er,

Asbury, Ai. Edgar, soldier, banker, busiwas born Aug. 16, 1836, in Virginia. He received his education at the Rector college of Virginia ; and at the Allegheny college of Meadville, Pa. He served four years in the civil war; and was captain in the confederate states army. For twenty-five years he has been president of the American bank ness man,

of Higginsville,


Asbury, Francis, clergyman, bishop, was born Aug. 20, 1745, in Handsworth, England. He was a bishop of the methodist episcopal church. For thirty-two years he traveled yearly through the United States; ordaining not less than three thousand preachers; and preached about seventeen thousand sermons. He died March 31, 1816,. in Spottsylvania, Va. Ash, Michael W., congressman, was born in Pennsylvania. In 1835-37 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the twentyfourth congress. Ashboth, Alexander Sandor, soldier, civil engineer, diplomat, was born Dec. 18, 1811, in Hungarj'. He served in the Austrian ar-

my; and afterward de-

Arthur, William, clergyman, author, was born in 1796 in Ireland. He was settled as pastor of the Calvary baptist church of Albany in 1855-63; and later published a magazine called the Antiquarian at Schenectady, N.Y. He was the author of Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names. His son, Chester Allan Arthur, was the twenty-first president of the United States. He died Oct. 27, 1875, in Newtonville, N.Y.

voted himself to engineering. In 1861 he offered his services to the United States govern-

Arthur, William E., lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born March 3, 1835, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He removed with his parents to Covington, Ky. and was there educated, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1850. In 1856-62 he was attorney for the ninth judicial district; was a presidential elector in 1860; and was elected judge of the ninth judicial district in 1866. In 1871-75 he was a representative from Kentucky to the forty-second and forty-third congresses. In 1886 he was elected judge of the twelfth judicial district of Kentucky. He was noted


for his great integrity, eloquence, his wonderful grasp of legal questions, literary

knowledge and untiring industry. He died 18, 1897, in Kentucky. Arthur, William Henry, lawyer, librarian, author, was born Dec. 27, 1868, in Dublin, Ireland. In 1891 he became librarian of the Ashland block law library of Chicago, 111; and in 1895-1902 was assistant corporation counsel. He is the author of The Municipal Code of Chicago, known as the code of 1905.


Arvine, Hazlett, clergyman, author, was born in 1820 in Western New York. In 184551 he filled pastorates in the baptist church in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. He was the author of Cyclopedia of Moral and Religious Anecdotes. He died July 15, 1851, in Worcester, Mass.

ment went as

chief of

Fremont's staff to Missouri;

and was made

a brigadier-general. In 1865 he was brevetted major-general for serin



was appointed United States minister to the Argentine republic in 1866. He died Jan. 21, 1868, in Buenos Ayres.

Ashbrook, William A., journalist, banker, congressman, was born July 1, 1867, near Johnstown, Ohio. Since 1866 he has published the Independent of Johnstown, Ohio. For twenty years he has been secretary of a building and loan association; and is now cashier of three banks. For three' years he was secretary of the national editorial association of the United States; for several years was postmaster of his town; and was elected a. representative to the Ohio state legislature. In 1907-11 he was a representative from Ohio to the sixtieth and sixtyfirst congresses as a democrat. Ashburn, George W., soldier, statesman, was born in Georgia. During the civil war he was a strong opponent of secession; and raised a company of southern loyalists, subsequently enlarged to a regiment, of which he was colonel. After the civil war he advocated the congressional plan of reconstruction. He was chosen a delegate to the Georgia constitutional convention of 1867 and did much toward perfecting this constitution of his state. He died April 1, 1868, in Georgia.