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HEREINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Ashton, Thomas Hutchinson, soldier, physurgeon, scientist, was born March 1841, near Fayetteville, Ohio. He was educated in the common schools; Professor B. F. Southworth's school of Defiance, Ohio; and graduated from the medical department of the university of Michigan and from the

sician, 8,




Tenn. During the civil war he was acting assistant surgeon in the United States army, department of the Cumberland, in charge of the United States smallpox hospital; and also of the United States general hospital, No. 4, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. He has attained success in his profession at Syracuse, Neb.; and has been president of the United States examining surgeons at Nebraslia City, Neb. He has always been a close student ; has collected a fine library; devotes much time to the study of anthropology and ethnology; and is the author of valuable papers on scientific subville,


Ashton, William Easterly, physician, author,

Pa. ico is


bom June


1859, in Philadelphia,

He is professor of gynecology at the Medcliirurgical college of Philadelphia, Pa. He

the author of Practice of Gynecology.

Ashurst, John, librarian, was born Dec. 31, 1865, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was educated at the university of Pennsylvania; and was president of the Sketch club and other college associations. For several years he was in the railroad service and with the Maryland steel company. In 1899 he became assistant librarian of the Philadelphia public library; and since 1900 has been librarian of the Mercantile library of Philadelphia, Pa.

Askew, Frank,


was born

in Ohio.

In 1861 he became captain in the fifteenth regiment Ohio volunteer infantry; became colonel in 1864, and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers for meritorious services in the civil war. He died April 28, 1903, in Ohio. Asper, Joel F., soldier,

lawyer, journalist, congressman, was bom April 20, 1822, in Adams county. Pa. In 1861 he raised a company; was mustered into the volunteer army as captain; and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In 1866 he started the Spectator at Chillicothe, Mo. In 1869-71 he was a representative from Missouri to the forty-first congress. Chillicothe, Mo.


died Oct.


1872, in

Aspinwall, Mrs. Alicia Towne, litterateur, author, was born in Brookline, Mass. She is the author of Short Stories for Short People; The Echo Maid and Other Stories; and Marie de Eozel, Hugenot. Aspinwall, J. Lawrence, designer, architect,

was born June


1854, in

New York



Since 1880 he has been a noted architect of City. He designed the second stock exchange. Stony Wold sanitarium, and numerous office and apartment buildings.

New York

Aspinwall, John A., clergyman, millionaire. is an eminent clergyman, and identified with the social and business affairs of Wash-


ington, D.C.

Aspinwall, Joseph, lawyer, jurist. Since 1907 he has been justice of the supreme court of New York at Brooklyn. Aspinwall, Lloyd, soldier, was born in 1830 in New York City. He commanded the twenty-second regiment New York militia in its three months' service before Gettysburg; had charge of the purchase of vessels for the Newbern expedition; was president of a board to revise army regulations; and was General Burnside's aide at Fredericksburg. After the civil war he was a brigadier-general in the national guard. He died Sept. 4, 1886, in Bristol,


Aspinwall, Thomas, soldier, diplomat, was born May 23, 1786, in Brookline, Mass. He was major of the ninth United States infantry in the war of 1812; for gallant conduct at Sackett's Harbor received the brevet of lieutenant-colonel; and that of colonel for the sortie from Fort Erie, in which he lost an arm. In 1815-53 he was United States consul at London. He died Aug. 11, 1876. Aspinwall, William, soldier, physician, statesman, was born May 33, 1743, in Brookline, Mass. He fought as a volunteer at Lexington; afterward became a surgeon in the revolutionary army; and had partial charge of a military hospital at Jamaica Plain. After the war he interested himself in vaccination built a smallpox hospital at Brookline and succeeded in establishing that remedy into American practice. He was a member of the Massachusetts state legislature; and also of the executive council. He died April 16, 1833, in Brookline, Mass.

Aspinwall, William H., merchant, was born Dec. 16, 1807, in New York City. In 1850 he secured the contract for a line of mail steamers from the isthmus of Panama to California ; and a concession from the government of New Granada for the construction of a railroad across the isthmus. The road was completed after many difficulties, and opened in 1855, the eastern terminus being

named Aspinwall. He was president of the Pacific mail steamship company until 1856. He died Jan. 18, 1875, in New York City. Assheton, Robert, lawyer, jurist. In 1716 he was associate justice of the supreme court of Pennsylvania. Aston, Ralph, naval officer, was bom in Connecticut. In 1861-65 he was third assistant engineer on the Cayuga; and was at the capture of New Orleans. In 1869 he was promoted to passed assistant engineer; and in 1888 became chief engineer. In 1899 he was promoted to captain; served throughout the Spanish- American war; and attained the