HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. vate tutor in Cambridge, Mass.; in 1893-93 of English at Wittenberg college of Springfield, Ohio; in 1893-95 was professor of English in the college for women at the Western reserve university at Cleveland, Ohio; and in 1895-96 was instructor in English at Volkmann school for boys in Boston, Mass. In 1896-99 he was assistant in Harvard college library; in 1899-1904
was professor
of the highest type in New York City; and rapidly made a fortune from her Recamier preparation. She was the author of Harriet Hubbard Ayer's Book. She died Nov. 25, 1903, in New York City. Ayer, Frederick Fanning, lawyer, trustee, donor, was born Sept. 12, 1851, in Lowell, Mass. He was educated at St. Paul's of Concorn, N.H. and also at
was and
librarian of Brockton public library; since 1904 he has been librarian of the public library at Cambridge, Mass.
Edward Everett, was born in 1841
Columbian museum, Newberry library. Art institute, and the Chicago historical society. He owns one of the finest private libraries in the United States. Ayer, Francis Wayland, business man, banker, was born Feb. 4, 1848, in Lee, Mass. In 1869 he began the advertising business with his father under the firm name of N. W. Ayer and son of Philadelphia, Pa. He is president of the Merchants national bank; president of the Keystone type foundry and
a director in various other corporations. Ayer, Franklin Deming, clergyman, author, was bom Dec. 19, 1832, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. In 1861-67 he was pastor of the congregational church at Milford, N.H.; and since 1867 has been pastor of the First congregational church In at Concord, N.H. 1871-80 he was secretary of the New Hampshire general association; is a trustee of the New Hampshire home missionary society; since 1881 he has been president of the New Hampshire prisoners' aid society; and since 1887 has been moderator of the general association of New Hampshire. He is the author of History of the First Church of Concord, N.H. and several published Sermons. Ayer, Frederick, manufacturer, was bom Dec. 8, 1822, in Ledyard, Conn. In 1855 he joined his brother in the manufacture of Ayer's proprietary medicines in the firm of J. C. Ayer and company of Lowell, Mass.; and was made treasurer of the company. In 1885 he bought the Washington mills of Lawrence; was president of the first year; and has been treasurer ever since. The company employs over three thousand hands. Ayer, Mrs. Harriet Hubbard, business woman, author, was bom in 1852 in Chicago, HI. She graduated from the convent of the Sacred Heart. She became a business woman
on his father's death in 1878 he became
in Harvard, 111. He has extensive lumber interests; and is a well known manufacturer of railway ties. In 1893-98 he was president of the Field Columbian museum of Chicago, 111.; and is a life member of the American historical association. He is a director in the Field capitalist,
manager of the great properties which his father had created. He has displayed business ability of a high order; and his previous legal training has aided to
make him
successa, ful financier. Among his many philanthropic acts in 1890 he gave five thousand dollars for books for a public library in the town house of Ayer; and later built for the town the Ayer memorial library building at a cost of about forty thousand dollars. He is a direc-
tor in the New York Tribune, Tremont and Suffolk mills, the Lake Superior ship canal railway and iron company, and the Lowell and Andover railroad and the J. C. Ayer
company. Ayer, James Cook, manufacturer, was born
1818, in Groton Conn., which city
bears the name of Ledyard. He became famous as a manufacturer of. proprietary medicines; and as an organizer and financier. Frederick Ayer, his father, who served as a soldier of the war of 1813 and died in 1835, was a son of Elisha Ayer, a hero of the American revolution. Ayer's Almanac was given away by the millions of copies. In 1874 he received the republican nomination for congress. He died July 3, 1878, in Winchendon, Mass. Ayer, Joseph CuUen, clergyman, lecturer, author, was born Jan. 7, 1866, in Newton, Mass. In 1891 he was a lecturer on canon law in the episcopal theological school of Cambridge, Mass. He is the author of The World's Orators; and The Rise and Development of Christian Architecture. Ayer, L. M., lawyer, statesman, author, was bom in 1830 in Barnwell county, S.C. He served several terras as a representative in the South Carolina state legislature; and was a general of militia. He was elected to the LTnited States congress, but the beginning of the civil war prevented him from taking his seat. He was afterward in the confederate congress. He was the author of a work on Infant Salvation. He died about 1900 in South CEtrolina. Ayer, Mary Allette, compiler, author, waa
Sept. 11, 1859, in Hampstead, N.H. She the editor and compiler of Joys of Friendship; Heart Melodies; and other works. is
was born
1839, in
Waldo county,