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HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Baekeland, Leo Hendrik, educator, inventor, was born Nov. 14, 1863, in Flanders, Belgium. Por several years he was professor of chemistry; and since 1890 he has been a consulting and scientist, author,

manufacturing chemIn 1904 he was the


president of the


York chemist club; was vice-president of the society of chemical industry; and was vicepresident of the American chemical society. He is the inventor of a water developing process of photographic

dry plate; a new printing; improvements in electrolytic; and Baekelite, a synthetic organic product. He is the author of numerous Monographs on original chemical research work.

Baensch, EmU, lawyer, lecturer, jurist, statesman, was born June 12, 1857, in Manitowoc, Wis. He was a candidate for congress in 1892; and in 1894-98 was lieutenant-governor of Wisconsin. He has been president of the Wisconsin press association. Baer, George, business man, congressman, was born in Frederick, Md. In 1797-1801 and 1815-17 he was a representative in congress from Maryland to the fifth, sixth and fourteenth congresses. He died at an advanced age in Frederick, Md. Baer, George F., soldier, lawyer, railroad president, was born Sept. 26, 1842, in Somerset county. Pa. He was educated at the Somerset institute; at Somerset academy; and at Franklin and Marshall college. Eeirly in life he conducted a newspaper; studied law; and in 1863 raised a volunteer company for the civil war. He joined the army of the Potomac as captain; and after the battle of Chancellorsville was detailed as adjutant-general of the second brigade. Since 1868 he has practiced law in Reading, Pa.; in 1870 became counsel for the Philadelphia and Reading railroad company; and in 1901 became president of the Coal and iron company; president of the Central railroad company of New Jersey; and in 1902 took a leading part for the railway anthracite operators in connection with the coal strike situation.

Baer, Mrs. Libbie C. Riley, author, poet,

was born Nov. 18, 1849, near Bethel, Ohio. She has taken an important part in the benevolent work of the Woman's relief corps of which she has been department president. In 1867 she was married to Capt. John M. Baer of Appleton, Wis. She is the author of In the Land of Fancy and Other Poems. Baer, 0. P., physician, founder, was born Aug. 25, 1816, in Frederick, Md. In 1867, with ten other homoeopathic physicians, he organized the Indiana institute of homosopathy; and was elected its president. He died in Richmond. Ind. 13


Baer, William Jacob, painter, artist, founwas bom Jan. 29, 1860, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is instructor of drawing from antique at the Copper union art schools. He is best known as a miniature painter of portraits and ideal subjects. He was one of the founders of the American society of miniature painters, founded in 1899 in New York der,

City. Baerer, Henry, sculptor, artist, was bom March 22, 1837, in Prussia. Some of his noted works are the Beethoven memorial in Central park of New York City; the Franz Schubert memorial in Fairmount park of Philadelphia, Pa.; and the busts of Roebling and Conrad Poppenhusen in College Point, N.Y.

Baerresen, Harald William, designer, archwas born June 1, 1846, in Denmark Since 1871 he has practiced architecture in Louisville, Ky. He has designed and erected over three hundred buildings in that city. He served as Danish vice-consul for two itect,


Bagby, Albert Morris, musician, author,

was born April

29, 1859, in Rushville,



author of A Weimar Idyl; Miss Traumerei; and Mammy Rosie. Bagby, Arthur Pendleton, lawyer, congressman, governor, was born in 1794, in Virginia. He settled in Alabama in 1818; was elected a member of the legislature in 1820 and 1822; and was speaker of the house. He was governor of Alabama in 1837-44. In 1841-49 he was United States senator. He was afterward one of the commission appointed to codify the laws of Alabama. He died of yellow fever Sept. 21, 1858, in Mobis




Bagby, George William, journalist, lecturer, author, was born Aug. 13, 1828, in Buckingham county, Va. He attained prominence as a humorist. He was the author of John M. Daniel's Latin Key; What I Did with My Fifty Millions; and Meekin's Twinses. He died Nov. 29, 1883, in Richmond, Va. Bagby, John C, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Jan. 24, 1819, in Glasgow, Ky. In 1846-96 he practiced law in Rushville, 111. In 1875-77 he was a representative from Illinois to the forty-fourth congress. In 1885-9 he served on the circuit bench. He died April 4,

1896, in Rushville,


Bagby, John Hampden Chamberlayne, educator, scientist, was born July 20, 1867, in Middieburg, Va. He graduated from the university of Virginia with the degrees of MA., M.E. and Ph.D. Since 1892 he has been professor of physics and of astronomy at the


college of Virginia.

musician, pianist, was bom Sept. 26, 1861, in New York City. The last of her instructors was Rafael Joseffy. She has appeared with success in concerts in Brooklyn and New York City. Bagg, Ljonan Hotchkiss, journalist, author, was born Deo. 24, 1846, in West Springfield, Mass. He is the author of Four Years

Bagg, Clara
