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drollery made him popular. He died March 31, 1873, in Cos Cobb, Conn. Barrel!, Harry Ferdinand, lawyer, politician, was born Dec. 6, 1858, in Warwick, N.Y. Since 1889 he has practiced law in War-


a member of the New Yorlc state commission on voting machines; Syracuse, N.Y.



and a member of the American society of mechanical engineers. He is the author of Kinematics of Machinery; and Notes on

Machine Design. Barr, John Watson, lawyer,


court of appeals. Barr, Robert, educator, journalist, author, was born Sept. 16, 1850, in Glasgow, Scotland. For many years he was on the staff of the Detroit Free Press. He is the author of In a Steamer Chair; and other novels. Barr, Samuel F., journalist, congressman, was born June 15, 1829, in Ireland. He engaged in railroad and commercial pursuits; and was editor of the Harrisburg Telegraph in 1873-78. In 1881-8.5 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the fortyseventh and forty-eighth congresses. He died about 1890, in Harrisburg, Pa. Barr, Thomas C, capitalist, was born Feb. 2, 1858, in Wellsboro, Pa. He has been president of several railway companies; and has also organized and put in operation the omnibus general of Philadelphia. He was elected president of the New Jersey traction company in 1893. Barr, Thomas Francis, soldier, lawyer, was born Nov. 18. 1837, in Arlington, Mass. He entered the United States civil service in Washington in 1861; and resigned in 1864. He practiced law in Washington, D.C. He was appointed major and judge advocate of volunteers in 1865; tra'nsf erred to the regular army in 1867; was promoted lieutenant-colonel and deputy judge advocate-general in 1884; and became judge advocategeneral in 1901 with rank of brigadier- general. He retired from active service in 1902. Barr, Thom.as, J., state senator, congress-

1812 in New York City. elected a member of the New York state senate; in 1857-61 he was a representative from New York to the thirty-iifth and thirty-sixth congresses. He died in New York City. Barr, W. M., civil engineer, author. He is a noted civil enffineer of Philadelphia, Pa. He is the author of several works. Barr, William Wilson, clergyman, editor, was horn Sept. 11, 1832, near Washington, Pa. For thirty-five years he has been pastor of the eighth united presbyterian church of Philadelphia, Pa. In 1860-80 he was editor of the Evangelical Repository; and since 1882 has been editor of the Christian Instructor. Barras, Charles M., actor, author, was born in 1826. He was the author of a wellknown spectacular play called the Black Crook, from which he derived a large income. His eccentric character and unconscious

man, was born

In 1853 he




wick, N.Y. He has been a democratic delegate to several state conventions. Barrere, Granville, lawyer, congressman, was born in Highland county, Ohio. He com-


born Dec. 17, 1826, in Versailles, Ky. In 1880-96 he was United States district judge for the district of ICentucky; and in 189699 was district judge of the United States


menced practicing law





In 1873-75 he was a representative from Illinois to the forty-third congress. Barrere, Nelson, congressman, was born in Ohio. In 1851-53 he was a representative from Ohio to the thirty-second congress. He died in Ohio. Barrett, Benjamin Fisk, clergyman, author, was born June 24, 1808, in Dresden, Maine. He was a Swedeuborgian clergyman of Philadelphia, Pa. He was the author of A Life of Swedenborg; The New View of Hell; Swedenborg and Channing; Heaven Revealed; and a Popular Presentation of Swedenborg's Disclosures About Heaven. He died Aug. 6, 1892, in Germantown, Pa. Barrett, Charles A., farmer, stock raiser, merchant, statesman, was born June 21, 1852, in Sumner, Maine. He was educated in the district schools and under private tuition. He is a successful farmer, stock raiser and merchant of

Athena, Ore.; and is prominently identified with the business and the




his city, county and state. For fifteen years

he was the mayor and councilman of Athena, Ore.; for three years wai a school director; and has held various other positions of trust and honor. Since 1906 he has been a representative in the Oregon state legislature from the twenty-third district; has been a member on several important committees; and has always been interested and identified with all movements for the improvement of the laws and conditions of Oregon. Barrett, Charles Raymond, litterateur, auwas born Jan. 17, 1874, at Saratoga Springs, N.Y. In 1897 he graduated from the university of Chicago with the degree of Ph.B. Since 1898 he has been engaged in literary work in Chicago, 111. He is the author of Short Story Writing. thor,

Edward, naval officer, was born 1828 in Louisiana. In 1864-65 he commanded the monitor Catskill; and captured the Deer, the only blockade-runner captured by a monitor. He was in the first expedition that ascended the Yangtse-Kiang river as far as Hangkow; and took the first man-of-war through the Eads jetties at the mouth of the ,






died in March, 1880.