Abbot, Francis Ellingwood, clergyman, editor, author, was born Nov. 6, 1836, in Boston,
Mass. He attended Boston latin school in
1851-54; Harvard university in 1855-59; Harvard divinity
school in 1859-60; and
Theism; and The
Out of
Agnosticism. He died in 1903 in Cambridge. Abbot, George Maurice, librarian, bibliog,
rapher, was born Aug. 14, 1846, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1863 he became connected with the Library company of Philadelphia, Pa.; and in 1886 became its treasurer. He is the author of Bibliography of the Civil War in the United States ; and Regimental Histories. Abbot, Gorham Dummer, educator, clergyman, author, was born Sept. 3, 1807, in Hallowell, Maine. He was a congregational clergyman; and long an educator of New York City. He was the author of Prayer-Bbok for
the Young; Pleasure and Profit; Mexico and The United States; and The Family at Home. He died July 31, 1874, in South Natick, Mass.
Abbot, Henry Larcom, soldier, eer,
was bom Aug.
Bev Mass. In 1846-50 he attended the Boston latin school; in 1854 graduated from West Point military
13, 1831, in
flag-officer of the squadron. died Dec. 1, 1855, in Hong Kong, China. Abbot, John, educator, librarian, was born about 1760. In 1784 he was graduated from Bowdoin college; and in 1887-93 was a tutor
and subsequently received the degree of LL. D from Harvard university. In 1865 he was brevetted a brigadier-general in the United States army; and then in 1880
was made
lieutenant-colonel of engineers he was then retired in 1895. Besides several series of Professional Paper, his writings include Lectures on the Defence of the Sea Coast of the United States; and Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River. Abbot, Joel, naval officer, was born Jan, 18, 1793, in Westford, Mass. In 1838 he was promoted to naval commander. Congress voted him a handsome sword for gallantry in action off Cumberland Head on Sept. 11, 1814; and he was also promoted lieutenant. In 1852 he commanded the Macedonian in the Japan expedition; and succeeded Comm-
fourteen years he filled a professorship in
Pennsylvania. He filled pastorates in Dover, N.H.; and in Toledo, Ohio. In 1870-80 he was editor of the Index of Cambridge. In 1887-88 he was instructor in philosophy in Harvard university; and in 1882-93 was teacher and proprietor of a home for boys, fitting them for Harvard. He was the author of Scientific
ander Perry as
Meadville school
subsequently became a trustee and the college treasurer. For than a quarter of a
century he was an ficer of
^S®' ^^ professor, librarian and treasurer. .^^^M^BBfc: For over half a century he was actively identified with the progressive welfare of his alma mater; and attained a, national reputation in the educational world. He died in 1843 in Andover, Mass.
Abbot, John E, educator, clergyman, was born Sept. 17, 1762, in Andover, Mass. In 1788-1838 he was principal of Phillips academy at Exeter, N.H.; and became the most prominent educator of his time. He died Oct. 35, 1849, in Exeter, N.H.
Abbot, Joseph Hale, educator, mathematician, was born Sept. 36, 1803, in Wilton, N. H. He graduated from Bowdoin college in 1833; was a tutor there in 1835-37; and in 1837-33 was professor of mathematics and teacher of modern languages in Phillips Exeter academy. He then taught a school for young ladies in Boston; and subsequently became principal of the high school of Beverly, Mass. He was associated with Dr. Worcester in the preparation of his English Dictionary. He paid much attention to the solving of pneumatic and hydraulic problems; and published ingenious and original speculations on these subjects.
died April
1873, in
Cambridge, Mass.
Abbot, Samuel, merchant, philanthropist, was bom Feb. 35, 1732, in Andover, Mass. He was a merchant in Boston; and by his perseverance, honesty and methodical habits acquired great wealth, which he devoted to various religious and charitable purposes. He interested himself in the establishment of Andover theological seminary, and contributed twenty thousand dollars for that purpose, which amount he increased by one hundred thousand dollars on his decease. He died April 13, 1812, in Boston, Mass.
Abbot, Samuel, lawyer, inventor, was bom March 30, 1786, in Wilton, N. H. He practiced law, first at Dunstable and then at Ipswich, Mass. He was the inventor of a process by which starch is made from the potato. He was burned to death in his factory, Jan. 3, 1839, in Wilton, N.H.
Abbot, Theophilus Capen, educator, college president, was born in 1826 in Vassalboro, Maine. For nearly thirty years he was con-