was re-elected four times. In 1860 he issued the first of the series of reports, which are recognized as classic authority concerning Illinois pedagogic law. In 1874 he was chosen president of Knox college. He died Oct. 22, 1897, in Galesburg, 111. Bates, Alexander Berry, naval officer, was born Nov. 25, 1842, in Brooklyn, N.Y. From 1863 he served in the navy through the civil war. During the Spanish-American war he was chief engineer of the United States battleship Texas; and in 1903 was retired with the rank of rear-admiral. Bates, Alfred Elliott, army officer, was born July 15, 1840, in Monroe, Mich. He received the rudiments of his education in the public schools of Monroe, Mich.; attended the Canandaigua academy; and in 1865 graduated from the United States military academy at West Point, N.Y. In 1865-75 he served in the second United States cavalry as lieutenant and captain; and was engaged in scouting and frontier work in the department of Missouri and the Platte. In 1869-73 he was instructor of cavalry at West Point; and as major, lieutenant-colonel and colonel served in the paymaster's department. He was paymaster in the department of Texas
Bates, Barnabas, clergyman, postal reform-
to this office he
for five years, Dakota for six years, Washington for four years. New York for four years and San Francisco for four years. In 1897-99 he was military attache to the court of St. James; and in 1899 became paymaster-general at Washington, D.C., with the rank of brigadier-general. In 1894 he became major-general in the United States army, and was retired from active service. Bates, Arl,o, educator, author, was born Dec. 16, 1850, in East Machias, Maine. He is professor of English literature in Massachusetts institute of technology. He is the author of Talks on Writing English ; The Pagans; Patty's Perversities; Wheel of Fire; In the Bundle of Time; Liad's Love; The Philistines ; and Book o' Nine Tales. His verse includes Berries of the Brier; Sonnets in Shadow; Poet and his Self; Told in the
Gate; The Torch-Bearers; Under the BeechTree; The Puritans; Mr. Jacobs; Albrecht and Talks on the Study of literature. Bates, Arthur Laban, lawyer, congressman, was born June 6, 1859, in Meadville, Pii. In 1880 he graduated from the Allegheny college; and then became a student in the university of Oxford, England. In 1882 he
began the practice of and in 1889-94
Meadville, Pa. Then in 1901-11 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the fiftyseventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, the sixtieth and sixty-first congresses as a republican.
was born in 1785 in England. He became a Unitarian; and in 1825 established in New York City a weekly paper called the Christian Inquirer. During the administration of President Jackson he received an appointer,
ment in the New York postoffice; and was some time acting postmaster. Here he became interested in the cheapening of letter postage, and advocated it in every way for for
years, first investigating the subject thoroughly and then writing and speaking on it continually. He finally succeeded in reducing the rate of land postage; and at the time of his death was laboring for a corresponding reduction in ocean postage. He died Oct. 11, 1853, in Boston, Mass.
Bates, Barton, lawyer, jurist, railroad prewas born Feb. 29, 1824, in St. Louis, Mo. He was an associate justice of the supreme court of Missouri; and in 1862-65 was chief justice. He was president of the North Missouri railroad company. He was one of the projectors of the Eads bridge across the Mississippi river. He died Dec. 29, 1891, in St. Charles county. Mo. sident,
Bates, Benjamin E., philanthropist.
Bates founded in 1863, was named after Benjamin E. Bates of Boston, who contributed two hundred thousand college of Lewiston, Maine,
dollars to its endowment fund. He died in Boston, Mass. Bates, Charles Austin, journalist, author, was born April 18, 1866, in Indianapolis, Ind. He contributes articles on advertising to various trade journals and newspapers. He is now principally engaged in promotion as president of the Knickerbocker syndicate of New York City. He is the author of Good Advertising; Short Talks on Advertising; and The Art and Literature of Business, in six volumes. Bates, Charlotte Fiske, author, poet, was
Nov. 30, 1838, in New York City. She edited the Longfellow Birthday Book and The Seven Voices of Sympathy, compilations of Longfellow's prose and poetry; and the Cambridge Book of Poetry and Song, a volume of poetical selections from English and American authors. She assisted Longfellow in compiling his Poems of Places, making ten translations expressly for the work. She is the author of Risk and Other Poems. Bates, Mis. Clara Doty, litterateur, authwas bom in 1838 in Ann Arbor, Mich. She was a writer of juvenile tales. She was the author of Classics of Babyland Versified; Child Lore; On the Way to Wonderland; and Heart's Content. She died Oct. 14, 1895, in Chicago, 111. Bates, Cyrus S., soldier, clergyman, was born Dec. 31, 1840, in Chester, Ohio. He was among the first to volunteer in the northern army in 1861; and was distinguished for his bravery. He was severely wounded at the battle of Chickamauga. For the last twelve years of his life he was rector of St. Paul's, or,