HBRRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Battle, Burrill Bunn, soldier, lawyer, legisjurist, was born July 24, 1838, in
Hinds county, Miss. In 1844 he graduated from the Arkansas college ville;
and subsequentgraduated from Cumberland uni-
the versity
at Lebanon, In 1858-61 he practiced law in Lewisville, Ark. he served through the civil war; and again took up his law practice in Lewisville, Ark. In 1869-79 he was an attorney of Washington, Ark. and in 1879-85 practiced in Little Rock, Ark. In 1871 he was a member of the Arkansas legislature; and since 1885 has been an associate justice of the supreme court of Arkansas, his present term ending in 1911. Battle, Cullen Andrews, soldier, lawyer, journalist. He served in the confederate army during the civil war; and attained the rank of major-general. He died in 1905 in New Bern, S.C. Battle, Henry Wilson, lawyer, clergyman, was born July 19, 1856, in Tuskegee, Ala. In 1875 he was admitted to practice law, but preferred the ministry. In 1892 he became pastor of the baptist church in Petersburg, Va. Battle, Herbert Bemerton, chemist, manufacturer, author, was bom May 29, 1862, in Chapel Hill, N.C. In 1887-97 he was state chemist and chemist to the North Carolina state board of health. Since 1906 he has been president of the Battle laboratory corporation at Montgomery, N.C. He is the author of Chemical Conversion Tables.
John Somerville, soldier, was born North Carolina. In 1888-89 he entered the United States military academy; in 1894 graduated from that institution and was Battle,
made second lieutenant in the eleventh regiment United States infantry. In 1898 he attained the rank of first lieutenant; and in 1901 became captain. Battle, Kemp Plummer, lawyer, educator, college president, author, was born Dec. 19, 1831, in Franklin county, N.C. He is the son of the late Judge William Horn Battle. He graduated from the State university of North Carolina, of which institution he was president for fifteen years; and now fills the chair of history. He has been state treasurer of North Carolina. He is the author of History of the Supreme Court of North Carolina; History of Raleigh, N.C; History of the University of North Carolina; Trials and Judicial Proceedings of the New Testament; Life of General Jethro Sumner; and other works. Bauer, Louis, physician, founder, was born in July, 1814, in Germany. He cooperated in the establishment of the Long Island col-
lege hospital; and was appointed professor of anatomy and surgeon to the new institution. In 1869 he went to St. Louis, Mo., where he founded the St. Louis College of physicians and surgeons. He was its dean of that institution for twelve years; and was its professor of the principles and practice of surgery. He died in -St. Louis, Mo. Horn, lawyer, jurist, Battle, William author, was born on Oct. 17, 1802, in Edge-
combe county, N.
He graduated from
the university of North Carolina. He was reporter of the supreme court decisions ; and in 1839 was a delegate to the convention that
Harrison for the presidency of the United States. In 1840 -52 he was judge of the superior court of
North Carolina and
1S52-68 was judge of the supreme court of North Carolina. He was the author of several valuable works on the common and statute laws of his state. He died March 14_, 1879, in Chapel Hill, N. C. Bauder, Levi F., lawyer, poet, was born Jan. 28, 1840, in Cleveland, Ohio. He served as a justice of the peace in Cleveland, Ohio, He is the author of Passing Fancies, a volume of poems. Bauer, George Neander, educator, mathematician, author, was born Jan. 8, 1872, in Jordan, Minn. He graduated from the university of Minnesota in 1894; and also from
In 1895-98 he was engaged as instructor of mathematics in the university of Iowa and since 1907 has been professor at the university of Minnesota. He is the author of The Positions of Fifty-six Neighboring Stars; The Simpler Elements of Analytical Geometry; Spherical Trigonometry; and other works.
Bauer, Louis Agricola, educator, scientist, author, was born Jan. 26, 1865, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was educated in the public schools of Cincinnati; received the degrees of C. E. and M. S. from the university of Cincinnati; and the degree of Ph. D. from the university of Berlin. In 1887-92 he was computer for the United States coast and geodetic survey. Since 1904 he has been director of the department of research in terrestrial magnetism at the Carnegie institute of Washington, D.C. In 1908 he was the president of the philosophical society of Washington. He was editor-in-chief of Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospherical Blec-