HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Bausman, Benjamin, clergyman, author, was born Jan. 28, 1824, in Lancaster, Pa. He is the author of Wayside Gleanings in Europe; and Bible Characters. Bauvais, A., governor, statesman. 'In 182930 he was acting governor of Louisiana.
Baxendale, Mrs. Esther Minerva, educator, was born Nov. 4, 1846, in Brockton, Mass. She taught in the schools of Massachusetts for seven years; ajid is an lecturer, author,
extensive traveler and lecturer. She is the author of Yours With All My Heart. Baxley, Isaac Rieman, author, poet, was born in 1850 in Baltimore, Md. He is the author of The Temple of Alanthur, with
Other Poems; The Prophet and Other Poems; Songs of the Spirit; and Beyond the Bank of Mist. Baxter, Algernon Sidney, soldier, broker, was bom Nov. 14, 1819, at Rockingham, Vt. At Shiloh he carried to General Wallace that celebrated despatch which caused so much controversy. He was the last survivor of those oflScers who served on General Grant's staff in the successful battles of Fort Donelson and Shiloh. He died April 29, 1897, in
New York
Baxter, Charles, soldier, was born in 1813 in New York City. He participated in the Mexican war; and attained the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He died Sept. 13, 1847, from wounds received at Chapultepec. Baxter, De Witt Clinton, soldier, was born in Massachusetts. He served from Massachusetts in the civil war; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died May 9, 1881, in Pennsylvania. Baxter, EUsha, legislator, jurist, governor, was bom Sept. 1, 1827, in Rutherford county, N.C. He was a member of the state legislature in 1854-58. In 1864 he was chief justice of the supreme court of Arkansas; and in 1874-75 he was governor of Arkansas. He died June 2, 1899, in Batesville, Ark. Baxter, G. W., territorial governor. In 1886-88 he was territorial governor of Wyoming. Baxter, George A., educator, college president, author, was bom July 22, 1771, in Rockingham county, Va. In 1829 he became president of Washington college; and iji 1835 was chosen president of the Hampden Sidney college. He was the author of Abolition of Slavery; Parity; and the Scriptural Order of Christian Ministry. He died April 14, 1841, in Virginia. Baxter, Henry, soldier, diplomat, was born Sept. 8, 1821, in Sidney Plaine, N.Y. During the civil war he was made lieutenant-colonel of the seventh Michigan infantry; and in 1865 he was brevetted major-general. In 1866 he was appointed minister resident to Honduras. He died Dec. 30, 1873, in Jonesville, Mich. Baxter, Horace Henry, railroad builder, was born Jan. 18, 1818, in Saxton's River, Vt. He built the Cleveland, Norwalk and Toledo railroad. At the outbreak of the civil
war he attended the peace congress as a delegate from Vermont; and when that meeting failed of its object he became adjutant-general of Vermont. Pie died Feb. 17, 1884, in
New York
Baxter, J. H., surgeon-general. He was surgeon-general of the United States army; and attained the rank of brigadier-general. Baxter, James Phinney, merchant, artist,
author and philanthropist, was bom March 23, 1831, in Gorham, Maine. He is well known as the Poet of Maine. He built and presented to the city of Portland its magnificent public library building, the most beautiful structure in the city. He has served as mayor of Portland; and has been foremost in the development of that city and its institutions. His principal works are George Cleeve of Casco Bay, 1630-67; Sir Ferdinando Gorges and His Province of Maine; Idyls of the Year, a collection of verse; The Trelawney Papers; The Pioneers of New France in New England; and other works. Baxter, Jere, lawyer, publisher, railroad president, statesman, was born on Feb. 11, 1852, in Nashville, Tenn. He was educated at the Montgomery Bell academy of Nash-
Tenn. He studied law and became the publisher of the Legal Reporter, which was later bound in nine volumes as Baxter's Reports. In 1882 he became president of the Memphis and Charleston railroad; built the Tennessee central railway, of which he was president. He built the town of Sheffield, Ala.; and organized the South Pittsburg town company. In 1889 he was a candidate for governor of the state of Tennessee. He died in 1904 in Nashville, Tenn. Baxter, John, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was bom March 5, 1819, in Rutherford county, N.C. In 1842 he was elected a representative to the state legislature; and was a presidential elector in 1844 and 1848. He was again in the state legislature in 1846, and 1852-57; and was speaker of the house in 1852. In 1857 he removed to Knoxville,Tenn. and in 1870 was a member of the state constitutional convention. In 1877-86 he was United States circuit judge for the sixth judicial circuit of Tennessee. He died April 10, 1886, in Hot Springs, Ark. Baxter, Katharine Schuyler, author, was born Feb. 22, 1845, in Oswego, N.Y. She is a great-granddaughter of late Major-General Philip Schuyler of the revolutionary army. She is the author of In Bamboo Lands; God-Child of Washington; and other works. ville,
Baxter, Luther lator, jurist,
soldier, lawyer, legis8, 1833, in Corn-
was born June
He received a thorough education; and pursued a partial collegiate course at Norwich university of Vermont. Since 1857 wall, Vt.
he has been a resident of Minnesota. He served over two years in the civil war, first as major of the fourth regiment Minnesota volunteer infantry, and afterwards as major and lieutenant-colonel in the first Minnesota heavy artillery. In 1864-65 he served