HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. He died May 31,
of the editors of the
alty Practice.
1899, in Jamaica, N.Y.
Haven, Conn. Betts, Thaddeus, lieutenant-governor. United States senator, was born in Norwalk,
Craven Langstroth, author, poet,
was born April 23, 1843, in New Brunswick. He was the author of Songs from B'firanger; The Perfume Holder; and Freeswick's Experiment; and many poems. Betts, Fred, lawyer, legislator, was bom Oct. 15, 1859, in Hillsdale county, Mich. He received the degree of B.A. from the university of Michigan in 1883; and the same year settled in Pueblo, Col.; where he attained success as one of the foremost lawyers of that state. In 1888-92 he served as state
senator of Colorado. Because of poor health he retired from the active practice of law; and is engaged in the preparation of a historical
Henry, lawyer,
author, 1843, in Newburg, N.Y. In 1873 he was lecturer on patent law in the law department of Yale university. In 1879 he published a pamphlet on Policy of Patent Law. He was the author of The Life of Joseph Henry. He died in 1905 in New York
was born March
City. Betts, facturer,
George Whitefield, soldier, manuwas born Sept. 27, 1842, in Norwalk, Conn. In 1861 he graduated from the college of the city of New York. He is a manufacturer of paints, varnishes and brushes of New Y'orK City; is a director oi the F. W. Devoe and C. T. Raynolds company of New York City, which was established in 1754. He is also vice-president of the Englewood sewerage company. In 1863 he enlisted in the twenty-third regiment New York infantry; served with it in the
Pennsylvania and Maryland campaigns in 1864, wiiich ended in the battle of Gettysburg and defeat of the confederates. His regiment, with other troops, was afterward ordered to New York City to protect the city from draft riots; and he subsequently served seven years in the seventh regiment New York national guard. He is a member of the New York historical society; is a member of the
New York
numismatic and archaeo-
a member of the seventh regiment veteran association; and various other clubs and societies. Betts, James A., educator, lawyer, banker, logical
was born March 18, 1853, in BroadN.Y. In 1898 he became justice of the supreme court of New York for the third district for term ending in 1912. He is president of Kingston savings bank of New York. jurist, alin,
Betts, Samuel Rossiter, lawyer, jurist, congressman, author, was born June 8, 1787. in Richmond, Mass. He took part in the war of 1812; and was appointed judge advocate. In 1815-17 he was a representative from New York to the fourteenth congress. In 1823 he was appointed a circuit judge for the state; and in 1826-67 was judge of the United States district court for the southern district of New York. He was the author of Admir-
died Oct.
1868, in
Conn. He was at one time lieutenant-governor of Connecticut. In 1839-40 he was United States senator.
died April
1840, in
Washington, D.C. BeutenmuUer, William, orator, entomologist, author, was born March 31, 1864, in Hoboken, N.J. Since 1889 he has been curator in the department of entomology at the American museum of natural history in New York City. He has been president of the
New York
entomological society.
He was
volumes one to eleven of The Journal of New York Entomological Society. He is the author of Butterflies; Moths; and Monographs on entomological and scientific subitor of
Beutgen, Peter John, missionary, author,
was born
Oct. 7, 1861, in Teoumseh, Canabuilt the Ursulian convent in Laredo; and also built St. Peter's church in the same place. He was the first professor of Mt. Angel college of Oregon; and was the founder of the school for boys in Laredo, Texas. He is the author of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Beutner, Victor, designer, civil engineer, was born June 28, 1870, in Prussia. Since 1902 he has been in business for himself; and has built the new pipe mills of the Susquehanna iron and steel company at Columbia, Pa. He also built the steel plant and rolling mills of the United steel company at Canton, Ohio. Bevan, Philip, author, poet. He is the author of Lost and Gained; and Songs of the War for the Union. Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah, lawyer, orator. United States senator, author, was born Oct. 6, 1862, in Highland county, Ohio. He was educated at DePauw university of Green Castle, Ind. He took up the practice of law in Indianapolis, Ind.; and attained da.
note as an orator and republican campaign speaker. He is a member of the United States senate from Indiana for the term of 1905-11. He is the author of The Russian Advance. Beveridge, John, educator, poet, was born in Scotland. In 1752 he came to Boston, Mass.; and six years later moved to Philadelphia to accept the chair of languages in the college and academy, which was the real nucleus of the present university of Pennsylvania. In 1765 he published a collection of Latin poems. He died in Philadelphia, Pa. Beveridge, John Lourie, soldier, lawyer, governor, was born July 6, 1824, in Greenwich, N.Y. In 1846-51 he taught school in Tennessee; and subsequently practiced law in Chicago, III. He served four years in the union army as major and colonel of cavalry; was sheriff of Cook county for two years; and was elected state senator in 1870. In 1871-73 he was a representative from Illinois to the forty-second congress; and in 187377 was governor of Illinois. In 1881-85 he was sub-treasurer at Chicago, 111.