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HERRINGSHAWS LIBKART OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Biddle, Thomas, soldier, was born Nov. 21, 1790, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1814 he was brevetted major; and became aide to General Izard. In 1830 he was paymaster. He met his death at the hands of Spencer Pettis in a duel. In consequence of Major Biddle's defective eyesight, the distance was made five feet,

and both men were mortally wounded fire. He died Aug. 29, 1831, in St.

at the first Louis, Mo.

Biddle, Thomas, diplomat, was born about 1830 in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1857 he was appointed a commissioner to adjust the claims of the states of Colombia. In 1861 he was


secretary of legation to Brazil and was d'afi'aires. He served his country more than twenty years and held the rank of colonel in the army. He died May 7, 1875, in


South America. Biddle, William Shepard, soldier, was born in Michigan. In 1899 he became a captain in the United States army. Bidlack, Benjamin Alden, congressman, diplomat, was born in Pennsylvania. In 184145 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth congresses.


died Feb. 29, 1849, in Bogota,

Colombia. Bidwell, Barnabas, lawyer, congressman. In 1801-05 he was a member of the Massachusetts state legislature. In 1789-91 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the

congress; and was attoriiey-general for the state in 1807-10. He died in 1833 in Massachusetts. Bidwell, Daniel Davidson, isoldier, was born about 1816 in Buffalo, N.Y. He took a prominent part in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville and commanded a brigade at Gettysburg; and when General Grant took command of the armies in Virginia was again placed in charge of a brigade, participating in the overland campaign. He was commissioned brigadier-general in 1864; and served with honor in the Shenandoah campaigns during the summer preceding the action at Cedar Creek, where he lost his life. He died Oct. 19, 1864, near Cedar Creek, Va. Bidwell, Daniel Doane, journalist, statesman, was born Aug. 7, 1865, in East Hartford, Conn. He was educated at the Hartford high school; and in 1886 graduated from Yale college. He is a journalist by profession; and has traveled extensively on land and sea. He has filled ofiBces in the naval battalion of the Connecticut national guard; and has been school visitor in East Hartford, Conn. He was a representative in the Connecticut general assemblies of 1905 and 1907. Bidwell, John, soldier, state senator, congressman, was bom Aug. 5, 1819, in Chautauqua county, N.Y. He served in the war with Mexico until its close, rising from second lieutenant to major. He was the first man to find gold on Feather river in 1848. In 1849 he was a member of the state constitutional convention; and during the same year was elected to the senate of the new state. He was a brigadier-general of militia during first

the civil war. In 1865-67 he was a representative from California to the thirty-ninth congress; and in 1875 was a candidate for governor of California. In 1892 he was a presidential candidate of the prohibition party. He died April 4, 1900, in Chico, Cal. Bidwell, Walter Billiard, clergyman, journalist, was born June 21, 1798, in Farmington, Conn. In 1841-60 he conducted the American National Preacher. He also edited the New York Evangelist ijn 1843-55; and in 1846 became proprietor Of the Eclectic Magazine and the American Biblical Repository. He became publisher and proprietor of the American Theological Review in 1860, and kept it until 1862, when it was incorporated

with the Presbyterian Quarterly Review.


died in November, 1881. Biederman, Edward Julius, musician, organist, composer, was born Nov. 8, 1849, in Milwaukee, Wis. He has been organist in New York City churches; and for thirty years has been a teacher. He is the author of a number of anthems, vocal duets and solos. Bienville, Jean Baptist le Moyne, soldier, founder, colonial governor, was born Feb. 24, 1680, in Canada. In 1701 he became director of the colony founded by his brother at the mouth of the Mississ-

In 1708 he proposed to import negro slaves, exchanging three Indians for one negroman. He was the founder of New Orleans; and was French governor of Louisiana. In 1736-4Q he made unsuccessful expeditions against the Chickasaw Indiana, in consequence of which he was superseded; and in 1743 returned to France. In 1733 he was sent back to the colony as governor with the rank of lieutenantgeneral. He died in 1765 in France. Bierbower, Austin, educator, lawyer, author, was born on Shelly's Island, Pa. For several years after graduating from Dickinson college he was profesippi river.

sor of latin and Greek at the Iowa Wesleyan university. In 1874 he began the practice of law; and for nearly

twenty-five years has practiced that profession in Chicago, 111. He

has been European correspondent for the Chicago Tribune and the Cincinnati TimesStar and was editorial writer on the Chicago Daily News. He is the author of Principles of a System of Philosophy; The Morals of Christ; The Socialism of Christ; How to Succeed; On the Training of Lovers; Thoughts for the Rich; and The Virtues and Their Reasons.