HERPaNGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. from Georgia to the twenty-sixth, twentyseventh and twenty-eighth congresses. He died in 1846 in Barnwell, S.C. Black, Edward Sanderson, lawyer, lecturer, orator, statesman, was born March 6, 1856, in Newark, N.J. He graduated from Columbia law school of New York City. In 1879 he began the practice of law in Newark, X.J. He is a member of the New
Jersey historical society; and his delivered numerous lectures and
addresses religion
and other sub-
In 1880 he organized and was made president of the First jects.
presidential voters' association; and for three years was a republican leader of the old thirteenth ward of Newark; and president of the executive committee. In 1886 he received the nomination as a member of the New Jersey state assembly; and in 1894 he was prominently mentioned for congress. Black, Francis Marion, lawyer, jurist, was born July 24, 1836, in Campaign county, Ohio. In 1874 he was elected to the Kansas City council: and in 1880 was elected judge of the circuit court. In 1884-96 he was an associate justice of the supreme court of Missouri. He afterward became president of the Kansas City school of law. He died May 24, 1902, in Kansas City, Mo. Black, Frank Swett, lawyer, congressman, governor, was born March 8, 1853, in Limington, Maine. He was editor of the Johnstown Journal for a short time after graduating from Dartmouth; then removed to Troy, where he studied law and was a newspaper reporter. He was admitted to the bar in 1879; and since that time has followed his profession in Troy. He was elected to the fifty-fourth congress as a republican and In 1897-99 was the thirty-second governor of New York.
Black, George Robinson, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born March 24, 1835, in Scriver county, Ga. He divided his attention
between the law and agriculture; and during the civil war was lieutenant-colonel of the sixty-third Georgia regiment, of Confederate army. In 1865 he was a delegate to the state constitutional convention; and served with distinction as a member of the Georgia state senate in 1877-78. He was a representative from Georgia to the forty-seventh congress. He died Nov. 3, 1886, in Sylvanla, Ga. Black, Green V., dentist, author, was born Aug. 3, 1836, in Scott county. 111. He is dean arid professor of operative dentistry, pathology and bacteriology at the Northwestern university dental school of Chicago, 111. He is the author of Formation of Poisons by Mlcro-Organlsms Periosteum and Peridental Membrane; Anatomy of the Human Teeth.
Black, Henry, lawyer, jurist, state senator, congressman, was bom Feb. 25, 1783, in Somerset county. Pa.; and was the father of Judge J. S. Black. In 1815-18 he was a member of the state legislature; and in 1830 was appointed an associate judge of his county, and held the office for twenty years. In 1841 he was a representative to the twenty-seventh congress to fill a vacancy, but died before taking his seat.
Henry Campbell, lawyer, author,
was born
Oct. 17, 1860, in Osslning, N.Y. In 1880 he graduated from Trinity college of Hartford, Conn. He practiced law in St. Paul, Minn.; then at Williamsport, Pa.; and since 1888 has followed legal literature as a profession in Washington, D.C. He is the author
of Constitutional Prohibitions; Law of Tax Titles; Dictionary of Law; Law of Judgments; Law of Intoxicating Liquors; American Constitutional Law; Construction and Interpretation of Laws; Handbook of Bankruptcy Law; and Law of Mortgages.
Black, Henry M., business man, manufacturer, statesman, was born in Maine. He learned the trade of carriage maker in Portland, Maine. In 1860 he established the firm of Henry Black and company at San Francisco,
urers of all kinds of carriages and vehicles of
one of the of concerns leading this class on the Pacifis
ic coast, with a busito extending ness Mexico, Central America and Hawaii. For four years he was a member of the board of managers of the industrial school and in that capacity he signed the deed that transferred that institution to his city. In 1875-78 he was a member of the board of education; and for two years served as a member of the California state assembly.
Black, Hugh, educator, clergyman, author, was born March 26, 1869, in Scotland. In
and Edinburgh, SootSince 1906 he has been professor of practical theology in the Union theological land.
York City. In 1904 he was a delegate to the international congress of arts and sciences at St. Louis, Mo. He is the author of The Dream of Youth; of Friendship; of CWture and Restraint; Work; The Practice of SelfCulture; Christ's Service of Love; and The Gift of Influence.