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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Blake, James Henry, lecturer, zoologist, iiaturalist, scientist, artist, was born July 8, 1845, in Boston, Mass. For four years he studied at the Lawrence, Mass. university school; and graduated


the scientitic school of Harvard university. sistant

He was



Louis Agassiz at the time of his death; and in 1870-76 was assistant at the museum of zoology comparative of Cambridge. In 1872 he was with Professor

Agassiz oil the Jiassler expedition. For several years he was assistant paleontologist in the United States geological survey; and for five seasons was with the United States fish commission. He has been president of the Cambridge art circle; and since 1870 has been a meraoer of the Boston society of natural history. He is best known as a zoologist, artist



and public


Vila, clergyman, author, poborn Jan. 21, 1842, in Brooklyn, N.Y.



J.n 1862 he graduated from Harvard university; and in 1867 was ordained to the unitarian ministry. He has filled pastorates in Haverhill and Boston, Mass.; in Quincy and Chicago, 111.; and since 1892 has been pastor of the chiirch of all souls at Evanston, 111. He is the author of Manual Training and Education; Essays; Poems More than Kin; Sonnets and several volumes of Sermons.

Blake, John, congressman, was born in Montgomery, N.Y. In 1805-09 he was a representative from New York to the ninth and tenth congresses. He was a member of the New York assembly in 1819. He died in

Montgomery, N.Y. Blake, John B., banker,

financier, was born Aug. 12, 1802, in Colchester, Va. He was commissioner of public buildings during a part of the administration of President Pierce, and during the whole of that of President Buchanan. For many years he was pres-' ident of the National metropolitan bank of Washington, D.C.; and was connected with the board of public works in Washington, D. C. He died in Washington, D.C.

Blake, John Bapst, surgeon, scientist, author, was bom April 4, 1866, in Boston, Mass. Since 1895 he has been a surgeon of Boston, Mass. He is instructor in surgery at the Harvard medical school and first lieutenant in the medical reserve corps. United States army. He is a member of the American association for the advancement of science. He is part author of Case Teaching In Surgery. Blake, John D., merchant, railroad president, capitalist, was born May 16, 1838, in Marlboro, Vt. In 1861-82 he was a drygoods merchant of Rochester, Minn.; being at the same time connected with various other corporations and banks; and also since .


1872 has been at the head of Chattanooga iron company, and of Southern land company. Since 1893 he has been president of the West Virginia, Pineville and Tennessee railroad; and is also engaged in real-estate in Minneapolis, Minn. Blake, John Lauris, educator, clergyman, author, was born Dec. 21, 1788, in Northwood, N.H. In 1824-32 he was rector of St. Matthew's church at Boston, Mass. He was the author of Textbook of Geography and Chronology; Family Encycloptedia of Agriculture and Domestic Economy Farmer's Every-Day Book; Modern Farmer; Letters on Confirmation; General Biographical Diction;

Book of Nature Laid Open Wonders of the Earth; and Wonders of Art. He died July 6, 1857, in Orange, N.J. Blake, John Lauris, lawyer, legislator, congressman, was born March 25, 1831, in Boston, Mass. He was a member of the New Jersey house of assembly in 1857; and was a delegate to the republican national convention of 1876. In 1879-81 he was a representative from New Jersey to the forty-sixth congress. He died Oct. 16, 1899, in Orange, N.J. Blake, Joseph, colonial governor, was born in England about 1630. In 1694-95 he was colonial governor of South Carolina. In 1696 he served in the governor's stead; and conducted the affairs of the province until his death. He died in 1700 in South Carolina. Blake, Joseph Augustus, physician, author, poet, was born Aug. 31, 1864, in San Francisco, Cal. He was formerly attending surgeon to the Roosevelt hospital; and since 1903 has been professor of surgery in the college of physicians and surgeons of Columbia .university. He is the author of On the Wing; A Summer Holiday in Europe; Verses Along the Way. Blake, Mrs. Lillie Devereux, reformer, author, yas born Aug. 12, 1833, in Raleigh, N. C. She was educated in New Haven; and took the Yale college course at home with tutors. Since 1869 she has devoted her energies to the enfranchiseary



women. Am-

ong various measures which she has been efficient in securing are


of as census enumerators; the granting of pensions to war nurses; the admission of women to civil service positions; and in her own state she obtained school suffrage for women. She is the author of Fettered for



A Daring Experiment; Woman's Place To-day; and other works. Blake, Lucius S., manufacturer, capitalist, was born March 4, 1816, in Burlington, Vt. fie was one of the organizers of the woolen mills of Racine, Wis.; and was president of the Commercial savings bank of that city. He died Nov. 4, 1894, in Racine, Wis.
