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Adams, Brooks, lawyer, author, was born June 24, 1848, in Quincy, Mass. He graduated from Harvard in 1870; and for some years practiced law in Boston, Mass. He is the author of The Gold Standard; The Emancipation of Massachusetts, a careful study of the evolution of religious freedom and The Law of Civilization and Decay, an Essay in His;



Adams, Mrs. Catherine Lyman, educator, author, was bom about 1800 in Maine. She was the author of Parlor Lectures and Scripture History, in two volumes; Parlor Lectures on the New Testament; Daily Duties; and History of the Jews. She died in 1879 in Vassalborough, Maine.

Adams, Charles, merchant, statesman, was born Jan. 31, 1810, in Antrim, N.H. For twenty years he was connected with the shoe business in Ware, Mass. and in 1852-60 was a member of the firm of Batcheller. In 183646 he was town clerk; in 1850-52 and in 1862 he was a representative in the general court; and in 1865-66 and 1877-78 was a member of the state senate. In 1877-78 he was a member of the executive council; and in 1871-75 was treasurer and receiver general

of the commonwealth.


died April 19, 1886,

Ware, Mass. Adams, Charles, physician, surgeon, was born May 29, 1847, in Northamptonshire, England. He was educated in Milwaukee, Wis.; and from 1861 in Chicago, 111. In 1873-96 he practiced medicine in Chicago, 111.; and since in

1896 has confined his practice exclusively to surgery. In 1875-84 he was professor of surgery in the Chicago homoeopathic college. For fifteen years he was a surgeon-major of the first regiment Illinois infantry; and in 1898 was major and brigade-surgeon in the United States volunteers. Adams, Charles, lawyer, author, was born March 12, 1785, in Arlington, Vt. He was the friend and adviser of General Wool during the Canadian difficulties of 1838; and wrote a history of the events connected with that rebellion, entitled The Patriot War. He died Feb. 13, 1861, in Burlington, Vt. Adams, Charles, clergyman, author, was born in 1808 in New Hampshire. He was a methodist clergyman who wrote extensively, and among whose works are Evangelism in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century; Women of the Bible; The Poet Preacher, a Memorial of Charles Wesley; The Earth and Its Wonders; Life of Cromwell; and Life Sketches of Macaulay. He died in 1890. Adams, Charles Albert, naval oflScer, was born May 28, 1846, in Buffalo, N.Y. He entered the navy as a midshipman in 1863 ; and graduated with the naval class in 1868. He was ensign in 1869; became master in 1870; lieutenant in 1873 lieutenant-commander in 1894; and commander in 1901. The recruits of Dewey's fleet in the Philippines were mostly drilled at the Mare Island navy yard under him. He has the reputation of being the

best drill-master in the navy. He has served on the historic old ships; has visited every naval port in the world; and commanded the expedition to recover the last treasure of the British privateer Braak. Adams, Charles Baker, naturalist, geologist, author, was born Jan. 11, 1814, in Dorchester, Mass. In 1845-48 he was state geologist of Vermont; and made the first geolog-

survey of that state. He was the author of Contributions to Conchology; and Monographs of Several Species of Shells. He died Jan. 18, 1853, in St. Thomas, W.I. ical

Adams, Charles Coffin, clergyman, author, was born Aug. 25, 1810, in Newburyport, Mass. He was an episcopal clergyman; and pastor at Manhattanville in 1863-88. He was the author of Creation, a Recent Work of God; Life of Christ; Anthroposophy ; and The Bible, a Scientific Revelation. He died Feb. 24, 1888, in New York City. Adams, Charles Christopher, curator, zoologist, scientist, was born July 23, 1873, in Clinton, 111. Since 1903 he has been curator of the university of Michigan. He has made original researches in habitats and faunas dynamically and genetically considered. Adams, Charles Elisha, merchant, banker, statesman, was born April 16, 1841, in Lowell, Mass. He is president of the Adams hardware and paint company of Lowell, Mass.; president of Merrimack River savings bank of Lowell, Mass.; and was president of the Massachusetts state board of trade at Boston,


He was

a mem-

ber of the Massachusetts state legislature in 1887-88; was member of the Massachusetts board of managers at the Paris exposition; and was chairman of the Massachusetts board of managers of the Pan-American exposition. He has

been vice-president sons of the revolution. Adams, Charles Follen, soldier, merchant, author, poet, was born April 21, 1843, in Dorchester, Mass. He served gallantly as a soldier during the civil war in the thirteenth regiment of Massachusetts volunteer infantry;

and was wound-

ed and taken prisoner at Gettysburg. He has delivered many of his original productions before large Boston audiences, in which city he is a successful merchant. He is principally known as the

author of Leedle Yawcob Strauss and other poems; Dialect Ballads; and other works.