IIERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Bliss, Delos, manufacturer, inventor, was born Jan. 36, 1841, in Truxton, N.Y. He invented nearly all the advance improvements in the manufacture of boxes. He is vicepresident of the firm of Dodge and Bliss, which is one of the most extensive in the United States in the production of lumber
boxes. Bliss, Edwin Elisha, missionary, founder, was born in 1817, in Putney, Vt. For fifty years he was a missionary in Turkey, where first American protestant the editor and translator of missionary papers, school books and religious literature. He died in 1892 in Constanti-
he started the church.
He was
Edwin Munsell, clergyman, journaauthor, was born Sept. 12, 1848, in Turkey. He is associate editor of the New York Independent. He is the author of Turkey and the Armenian Atrocities; Concise History of Missions; and editor of the Eneyclopsedia of Missions. Bliss, Eliphalet Williams, manufacturer, was born April 12, 1836, in Fly Creek, N.Y. The corporation of the E. W. Bliss company now employs six hundred men. The plant comprises extensive buildings and machine shops for the manufacture of tools, presses, dies and patented articles of various kinds. He died in 1903 in New York City. Bliss, Eugene Frederick, educator, author, was born July 31, 1836, in Granville, N.Y. In 1863-79 he was a teacher. He is the author of In Memory of Elizabeth Haven Appleton; and Tales for a Stormy Night. Bliss, Frederick Jones, explorer, author, was bom Jan. 22, 1859, in Syria. He is explorer to the Palestine exploration fund. He is the author of Mound of Many Cities; and Excavations at Jerusalem. Bliss, George, state senator, railroad president, was bom Nov. 16, 1798, in Springfield, Mass. In 1827 he was elected to the lower branch of the Massachusetts legislature; served three successive terms; and also in 1853, when he was elected speaker. His attention was subsequently occupied with the completion of the Western railroad between Worcester and Albany; and prior to 1846 was president of the road. He died April 19, 1873, in Springfield, Mass. Bliss, George, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was bom Jan. 1, 1813, in Jericho, Vt. In 1850 he was president judge of the eighth judicial district of Ohio. In 1853-55 and 186365 he was a representative from Ohio to the thirty-third and thirty-eighth congresses. He died in 1897 in Ohio. Bliss, George, banker, financier, was born April 21, 1816, in Northampton, Mass. In 1869 he associated himself with the firm of Levi P. Morton and company, in the business of banking under the name of Morton, Bliss Bliss,
and company. The firm, with their London branch of Morton, Rose and company, now Stand in the front rank among the financial institutions of this country. 1896, in iNew York City.
died Feb.
Bliss, George, lawyer, author, was born in 1830 in Massachusetts. He was a prominent lawyer of New York City. He was the author of Treatise on the Law of Life In-
surance; and Annotated Edition of the New York Code of Civil Procedure. He died in 1897 in New York City. Bliss, Philemon, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born July 28, 1814, in Canton, CoMi. He was elected president judge of the fourteenth circuit court of Ohio. In 1855-59 he was a representative to the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth congresses; he was subsequently appointed a territorial judge in Dakota; and in 1868-72 was a judge of the supreme court of Missouri. He died Nov. 5, 1889, in Columbia, Mo. Bliss, Philip Paul, evangelist, vocalist, poet,
was born July 9, 1838, in Clearfield He was associated with Moody noted evangelical tours; and was com-
county. Pa. in his
poser and singer of
hymns which
of the sweet in-
meetHis one most famous song is Hold the Fort. Others of his compositions are Down Life's Dark Vale We Wander; Jesus Loves spirational
vivified their
Me; and Pull for the Shore. He was killed Dec. 30, 1876, in a railroad disaster in Ashtabula, Ohio. Bliss, Porter Cornelius, journalist, philologist, author, was bom Dec. 28, 1838, in Erie county, N.Y. He was the author of The Ethnography of Gran Chaco, a district of Argentina; The Conquest of Turkey 1877-78; and other works. He died Feb. 2, 1885, in
New York Bliss,
Tasker Howard,
was born
Dec. 31, 1853, in Lewisburg, Pa. In 1875 he graduated from West Point military academy; and in 1884 from the United States artillery school. In 1875-93 he served in the first United States artillery. In 1884-85 he was adjutant in the artillery school; and in 1888-95 was inspector of rifle practice. In 1895-97 he was on special duty with the secretary of war; and in 1897-98 was military attache of the United States legation at Madrid. He served through the SpanishAmerican war; and in 1898-1902 was chief of the Cuban customs service. In 1901 be was appointed brigadier-general in the United States volunteers; and in 1902 became brigadier-general in the United States army. Since 1903 he has been president of the army war college at Washington, D.C. Bliss, Ward R., lawyer, journalist, legislator, author, was bom Dec. 15, 1855, in Lewisburg, Pa. Since 1878 he has been in the active practice of law; and since 1881 has been editor of the Weekly Reporter of Chester, Pa. In 1889-1904 he was a member of the Pennsylvania state legislature. He is the author of Digest of the Special Laws Relating to Delaware County; and eight volumes of Delaware County Reports. Bliss, William, railroad president, was born Dee. 11, 1834, in Springfield, Mass. In 18801907 he was president of the Boston and Al-