Gifts; How Success Is Won; Poor Boys Who Became Famous Girls who Became Famous Famous American Authors Famous Americ;
an Statesmen; Successful Women; Social Studies in England; Famous Types of .Womanhood; Famous Voyages and Explorers;
Famous Leaders Among Men; The and other works. Bolton, Mrs. Sarah
tism; Revised Liturgy; and Reformed not He died Aug. 19, 1890, in CoUegeville. Pa. Bombiano, Mrs. Sophia V., litterateur, author, was born in 1835 in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is the author of Italian Explorers in Africa; and Short History of the Italian Ritualistic.
author, poet,
was born Dec. 18, 1815, in Newport, Ky. She was a writer whose name is kept in mind by her oft quoted poem. Paddle Your Own Canoe. She was the author of The Songs of a Life Time; and Life and Poems. She died 4, 1893, in Indianapolis, Ind. Bolton, William Jordan, soldier, public official, was born Oct. 33, 1833, in Norristown, Pa. In 1855-61 he was in the uniformed militia of Pennsylvania; and in 1865 attained the rank of brigadiergeneral in the United States volunteers. He participated in fiftythree battles and minor engagements; was wounded in 1863 at
Antietam wounded
1864 at Va. In
the Crater, 1868-77 he filled all grades from captain to major-general in the Pennsylvania national guard. He was a member of the battlefield Antietam commission of Pennsylvania. In 1882-1906 he was United States storekeeper at Philadelphia, Pa. He died in 1906 in Philadelphia, Pa. Boltwood, Henry L., educator, author, was born Jan. 17, 1831, in Amherst, Mass. During the civil war he was in the sanitary commission; was ordained an army chaplain but never served. In 1867 he organized the first township high school in Illinois at Princeton and is now principal of township high school at Evanston, 111. He is the author of several school books. Bombaugh, Charles Carroll, physician, author, was born Feb. 10, 1828, in Harrisburg, Pa. In 1850 he graduated from Harvard university and from. Jefferson medical college in 1853. At the outbreak of the civil war he entered the army and served as a medical officer in General Stone's division, and afterward in General Sedgwick's division in the army of the Potomac. After the close of the civil war he established and for thirty-three years successfully conducted the Baltimore Underwriter in the city of his adoption. He is the author of Gleanings for the Curious; The Book of Blunders; First Things; and Stratagems and Conspiracies to Defraud Life Insurance Companies. Bomberger, John Henry Augustus, theologian, college president, author, was born Jan. 13, 1817, in Lancaster, Pa. He was a theologian of the German reformed church; and president of Ursinus college in 1870-90. He was the author of Infant Salvation and Bap-
Bomf ord,
George, military
was born in 1780 in New York. In 1842-48 he was inspector of arsenals, ordnance, arms and munitions of war. The cannons invented by him were further developed by Dahlgren, but were superseded by the Rodman type about the beginning of the civil war. In 1841 he conducted experiments to ascertain the expansive force of powder in a gun by bullets through tubes inserted in the sides. He died March 25, 1848, in Boston, Mass. Bomford, James Voty, soldier, was born Oct. 5, 1811, on Governor's Island, N.Y. He was promoted major in 1860 and was prisoner of war in 1861-62. In 1862 he was made a lieutenant-colonel; and after his return to his regiment was engaged in the movements of General Buell's army in Alabama and Kentucky. At the battle of Perryville he served as chief of staff to General McCook; and received the brevet of colonel for meritorious services in that action. He was retired from active service in 1872. He died Jan. 6, 1892, in Elizabeth, N.J.
Bonacum, Thomas, clergyman, bishop, was born Jan. 29, 1847, in Ireland. In 1887 he was consecrated first Roman catholic bishop of Lincoln, Neb. Bonaparte, Charles Joseph, lawyer, cabinet officer, was born June 9, 1851, in Baltimore, Md.; and is a grandson of Jerome Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon I. In 1871 he graduated from Harvard college; and in 1874 from Harvard law school. Since 1874 he has practiced law in Baltimore, Md. In 1905 he was appointed by President Roosevelt as secretary of the navy; and in 1906 was appointed attorney-general of the United States. He is president of the national municipal league; and is connected with various other organizations. Bonbright, Daniel, educator, college president, author, was born about 1830. He is recognized as one of the most learned latin scholars in the world. In 1900 he became president of Northwestern university at Evanston,
Bond, Mrs. Clara W., librarian, was born in Wyoming. She received a thorough education in the public schools and academies of her native state. Since 1905 she has been in the service of the state of Wyoming as state librarian of the state library at Cheyenne; and is now serving the term of 1907-09. Bond, Edward Austin, surveyor, civil engineer, was bom April 22, 1849, in Dexter, Mich. In 1886 he became chief engineer of the Carthage and Adirondack railroad. Since 1898 he has been state engineer and surveyor
New York. Bond, Elizabeth Powell, educator, author, was born Jan. 25, 1841, in Clinton, N.Y. In of