376 tries,
under the names of noted persons to ilnew method. He died in New
lustrate the YorK City.
Booth, Edwin, actor, was born Nov. 13,
Md. He made his first reguupon the stage at the Boston
1833, in Bel Air, lar appearance
museum in 1849. Edwin Booth continued to act with his father for more than two years after the advent of
Boston museum. His father being ill, he suddenljf and promptly took the place of the elder tragedian; and for the first time in the
his life enacted Richard III. This effort, re-
markably successful for a comparative novice, was hailed as the indication of great talent and as the augury of a brilliant future. He died June 7, 1893, in New York City. Booth, Scarr, composer, author, was born April 35, 1835, in England. She has
composed numerous songs and instrumental pieces. She is the author of Karan Kringle's Journal; A Willful Heiress; and Poems. Booth, Fenton Whitlock, lawyer, jurist, was born May 13, 1869, in Marshall, HI. In 1893 he began the practice of law in Marshall, 111. Since 1905 he has been a justice of the United States court of claims. Booth, Henry Matthias, clergyman, educatauthor, was born Oct. 3, 1843, in New York City. He was president of the Auburn theological seminary of New York City. He was the author of The Heavenly Vision and Other Sermons; Sunrise, Noonday, and Sunset of the Day of Grace; and First Communion. He died March 18, 1899, in Auburn, N.Y. Booth, James Curtis, chemist, was born July 38, 1810, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1836 he established in Philadelphia a laboratory, the first of its kind in the United States, for instruction in chemical analysis and chemistry applied to the arts. In 1836-45 he was professor of applied chemistry at the Franklin institute. Since 1849 he has been melter and refiner of the United States mint in Philadelphia. ±lis larger works include the first and second Annual Report of the Delaware Geological Survey; the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the State of Delaware and Encyclopasdia of Chemistry. He died March 31, 1888, in W. Haverford, Pa. Booth, John Wilkes, actor, was born in 1838, in Bel Air, Md. He first appeared on the stage in St. Charles, Baltimore; and proved himself to be an actor of earnestness and promise. His last appearance was at Ford's theater in Washington, which was attended by President Lincoln, whom he assassinated the same night. He died April 36, 1865. Booth, Junius Brutus, actor, was bom May 1, 1796, in London, England. He gained a trior, college president,
as a substitute for Edmund Kean in the character of Sir Giles Overreach, captivating an audience that was at first indignant at the young actor's presumption. He continued to play at Worthing and found influential admirers, who prevailed upon the manager to give him a trial as Richard III at Covent garden, where he appeared in that character in 1817, and delighted the metropolitan audience. He died Nov. 3, 1853.
Booth, Levi Clark, soldier, was bom in He attained the rank of general in the United States army. He died April 18, 1896, 1809.
Wilmington, Del.
Booth, Mary Ann, lecturer, microsoopist, photomicrographer, scientist, was born Sept. 8, 1843, in Longmeadow, Mass. She was educated at the Wesleyan academy of Wilbraham, Mass.; and in various other institutions. She is a noted microsoopist and photomicographer of Springfield, Mass. ; and editor of Practical Microscopy. She has attained note as a lecturer; and in 1885 received a diploma from the exposition of New Orleans for her prepared studies for the microscope. She is a member of the American microscopical society; a fellow of the American association for the advancement of science; a fellow of the royal microscopical society of London, England; and a, member of various
other scientific societies.
Booth, Mrs. Mary H. C, poet, was born in 1831 in Connecticut. She published a volume of poetry, partly original and partly transla-
ted, entitled Wayside Blossoms Flowers From German Gardens. She died April York City. 11, 1865, in
Booth, Mary Louise, journalist, translator, author, was born April 19, 1831, in Yaphank. N.Y. She was the editor of Harper's Bazar from its establishment in 1867 to 1889. She made over thirty valuable translations from the French. She was the author of A History of the City of New York. She died
1889, in
New York
Booth, Mrs. Maud Ballington, missionary, author. She is the wife of Ballington Booth, general-in-chief of the volunteers of America. She is the author of Branded; Look Up and Hope; Sleepy-Time Stories; and Lights of Childland.
Booth, Newton, merchant, lawyer, goverUnited States senator, was born Dec. 35, 1835, in Salem, Ind. He was elected to the California state senate in 1863; and was the eleventh governor of the state in 1871-75. In 1875-81 he was United States senator from California. He died July 14, 1892, in Sacramento, Cal. nor,
Booth, Robert Russell, clergyman, chap-
was born May 16, 1830, in New City. In 1853-57 he filled a pastorate in Troy, N.Y.; in 1857-60 was a pastor in Stamford, Conn.; in 1861-70 was pastor of lain, author,
university place church of New York City: since 1886 has been pastor of Rutger's