HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Brewster, Calvin George, United States marshal for the southern district of Texas, was born July 19, 1844^ in Tiskilwa, 111. He was educated in the public and private schools of Peru, 111.; and at Lombard university at Galesburg, 111. In 1868-74 he was inspector of customs; in 1874-84 deputy collector of customs; and in 1888-93 collector of customs for the district of Corpus Christi, Texas. He is interested in the mercantile and insurance business of Laredo, Texas; and since 1906 has been president of the school board. He has been president of the mining and smelting company; president of Laredo mining company; and holds numerous other offices at the present time. He is now United States marshal from the southern district of Texas; and resides in Laredo, Texas. Brewster, Charles, soldier, was born in New York. In 1862 he was captain and commissary of subsistence in the United States volunteers; became captain in 1864; and in 1865 was brevetted major of volunteers for effective and meritorious services. In 1866 he became second lieutenant in the seventh United States cavalry; was made first lieutenant in 1867; and brevetted captain in 1867 for gallant and meritorious services during the civil war. In 1870 he was honorably discharged from the United States army at his own request. Brewster, Charles Warren, journalist, state senator, author, was born Sept. 13, 1802, in Portsmouth, N.H. He' began to work for his living as an apprentice in the office of the Portsmouth Journal. In fifteen years he had become its proprietor; and when he died had been connected with his journal for more than fifty years. He served several terms in the New Hampshire state legislature; and was a member of the state constitutional convention of 1850-51. He was the author of Fifty Years in a Printing Ofiice; and
Rambles About Portsmouth. 3,
died Aug.
1868, in Portsmouth, N.H.
Brewster, Chauncey Bunce, clergyman, biwas born Sept. 5, 1848, in Windham, Conn. In 1887-97 he was bishop coadjutor of Connecticut; and in 1897 was consecrated protestant episcopal bishop of Connecticut. He is the author of Key of Life; and Good Friday Addresses. Brewster, David P., congressman, was born in New York. In 1839-43 he was a representative from New York to the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh congresses. He died Feb. 21, 1876, in Oswego, N.Y. Brewster, Flora Alzora, journalist, physician, -surgeon, was born Feb. 26, 1852, in Alfred, N.Y. In 1879 she edited the Newsboys' Appeal of Chicago, III.; in 1889-90 was editor of the Baltimore Family Health Journal and in 1891 was assistant editor of the Homoeopathic Advocate. She was the former physician in charge of the home for fallen women and of the female house of refuge of Baltimore; and is now the proprietor and shop, author,
surgeon in charge of the Sanitarium. She also lecturer on physiology and hygiene at the Maryland woman's college at Luther-
Brewster, Frederick Carroll, lawyer, jurist, author, was born May 15, 1825, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was judge of the court of common pleas for three. years; and in 1869 was appointed attorney-general of the commonwealth. He was the author of Moliere in Outline; Life of Disraeli; Condensation of Blackstone; Rule in Shelly 's Case; and Digest of Pennsylvania Reports. He died Dec. 30, 1898, in Charlotte, N.C. Brewster, Henry, manufacturer, was bom May 19, 1824, in New Haven, Conn. He started in the carriage business in 1856 with He partners, as Brewster and company. was one of the organizers of the Union league club; and he stoutly espoused the cause of the union during the civil war. He died Sept. 20, 1887, in New York City. Brewster, Henry Calvin, banker, congressman, was born Sept. 7, 1845, in Rochester, N. Y. Since 1868 he has been a bank officer in Rochester, N.Y.; and ^ is now president of the traders national bank. He has been president of the chamber of commerce and also of the clearing house association.
has been
vice-president of the New York state league of republican clubs president of the Monroe county league; and vice-president of the national league of republican clubs. In 1895-99 he was a representative from New York to the fifty-fourth and fifty-fifth congresses as a republican. Brewster, James Henry, lawyer, author, was born April 6, 1856, in New Haven, Conn. Since 1903 he has been editor of the Michigan Law Review. He is the author of The Conveyance of Estates in Fee By Deed.
Dennison, lawyer, legis-
was born July 31, 1832, in Salisbury, Conn. He was judge of probate in 1858; was judge of the court of common pleas in 1870-74; was a member of the state
lator, jurist,
legislature in 1870, 1878 and 1879; and a of the state senate in 1880-81.
Brewster, Simon Latham, merchant, bankwas born July 27, 1811, in Griswold, Conn. In 1863 he became president of what is now the Traders' national bank of Rochester, N.Y. and was the oldest president of a national bank in the state. He died in 1898, in Rochester, N.Y. Brewster, William, pilgrim, was born in 1560 in England. He negotiated a grant of land for his people somewhere near the mouth of the Hudson river; and early in 1620, with a number of persons, he emer,