HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Brown, William 6., lawyer, legislator, congressman, was born Sept. 35, 1801, in Preston county, Va. In 1832 he was elected to the legislature of Virgin-
ia; and served again in that capacity in 1845-49 1840-43; in
and 1861-65 he was a representative from Virginia to the twenthirtieth, ty-ninth, the thirty-seventh and the thirty-eighth congresses.
In 1850 he was a
of the Virgin-
ia state convention; in
1860 a delegate to the Charleston convention, and also to that held in Baltimore ; and was also a delegate to the Virginia convention of 1861, and opposed the action of the secessionists. He died in Virginia.
Brown, William Garrott, lecturer, librarian, author, was born April 34, 1868, in Marion, Ala. He graduated from Howard collie of Alabama; studied in Harvard university; and received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. In 1892 he was president of Harvard democratic club; and has been active as a speaker and orator throughout Massachusetts in the inIn 1892terests of the democratic party. 1900 he was assistant in Harvard library; and in 1901-02 was lecturer on American history at Harvard. He is the author of Offici-
Guide to Harvard University; A History Alabama ; The Lower South in American History; A Gentleman of the South; Golf; Life of Oliver Ellsworth; and other works. Brown, William H., civil engineer, builder was born Feb. 29, 1886, in Lancaster county. Pa. In 1861 he was engineer of the military railroads in northern Virginia. In 1874 he became chief engineer of the Pennsylvania
on the death of Major John Andre
Brown, William Harvey,
was born became captain
in Pennsylvania. In 1861 he in the fourteenth regiment
United States infantry; was transferred to the twentysecond regiment in 1866; and transferred to the' twenty-first regiment in 1869. In 1871 he was major in the eighteenth regiment United States infantry and in 1880 became lieutenant-colonel in the first regiment United States infantry. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel for gallant and meritorious services during the civil war. He died March 10, 1883.
Brown, William
Jan. 15, 1815, in North Huntington, Pa. In 1858 he began the new enterprise of sending coal in flat-boats, towed by steamers, down the Mississippi. He supplied the government with coal at Cairo and Memphis during the civil war. He died Oct. 12, 1875, in Philadelphia, Pa. Brpwn, William Hill, dramatist, poet, was born in 1776. He wrote a tragedy, founded
and pub-
man, was born in 1805 in Kentucky. He was at one time secretary of state for Indiana; and a member of the state legislature. In 1843-45 and 1849-51 he was a representative from Indiana to the twenty-eighth and thirty-first congresses. He was assisunder president editor of the Indiana Sentinel; state librarian of Indiana; and, at the time of his death special agent of the post office department for Indiana and Illinois. He died March 18, 1857, in Indianapolis, Ind. Brown, William Mason, landscape painter, artist, was born Sept. 14, 1836, in Troy, N. Y. He received his education in the Lancasterian school of
He was
Troy, N.Y. At the age of twenty-five he began the study of art; and has attained eminence as a painter of landscapes and still life. His paintings have been exhibited in the various expositions for the past quarter of a century; and he has
Among his chief works of construction is the magnificent Broad street station at Philadelphia, Pa.
died Sept. 10, 1793, in Murfreesborough, N.C. Brown, William Horace, litterateur, author, was born Aug. 7, 1855, in Bogansport, Ind. Since 1900 he has been secretary of the civic federation of Chicago, 111. He is the author of The Slaves of Folly; Southern Heritage; and The Glory Seekers. Brown, William J., journalist, congresslished in 1807.
numerous aw-
ards. His studio is in Brooklyn, N.Y., in which city he is an honored member of various art institutes; and has exhibited his pictures at various exhibitions throughout the United States.
Brown, William Montgomery, clergyman, bishop, author, was born Nov. 6, 1855, near Orrville, Ohio. He was a circuit missionary of the diocese of Ohio; was in charge of Grace church at Gallon, Ohio; and established numerous missions. In 1891 he became general missionary and arch-deacon of the diocese of Ohio; and since 1898 has been first bishop coadjutor and then bishop of Arkansas. He is the author of The Church for Americans. Brown, William Perry, writer, author, was born in Glenville, W.Va. He is the author of Sea Island Romance; Roraima; Sea Island Boys Florida Lads and other works. Brown, William R., lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born July 16, 1840, in Buffalo, N.Y. He became a lawyer and settled in Kansas in 1862. He was elected judge of the ninth judicial district of Kansas in 186775; and in 1875-77 he was a representative from Kansas to the forty- fourth congress as In 1883-85 he was register a republican.
bate court.
In 1892 he moved to El Reno, was judge of the pro-
in 1895-99