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the author of An American Germany; Yusef, a Cruaade in the East; Land of Thor, a volume of Icelandic experiences; Etchings of a Whaling Voyage; Crusoe's Island; and Adventures in the Apache Country. He died Dec. 9, 1875, in ings.



Oakland, Cal. Browne, Junius Henri, journalist, author, was born Oct. 14, 1833, in Seneca Falls, N.Y.

He was

a' journalist of New York City; and was a war correspondent during the civil war. He was the author of Four Years in Secessia, The Great Metropolis, a Memoir of New York; Sights and Sensations in Eu-

rope; and


Women. He

died in 1903 in



Browne, Maria J. B., educator, translator, author, was born in Northampton, ilass. She is the author of Margaret Laura Huntley; and Story of a Western Sunday School. She translated into Spanish The Borrowed Bible, written by her sister; and translated from the Spanish History^of Granada. Browne, Obadiah, lawyer, congressman, was born May 19, 1833, on Staten Island, N. Y. In 1851-53 he was a representative from New York to the thirtv-second congress. He died April 37, 1874, on Staten Island, N.Y. Browne, Robert H., physician, abolitionist, state senator, author, was born in August, 1835, in New York City. In 1856 he graduated from the Rush medical college of Chicago, 111.; and then studied law in Bloomington, 111. In 1861 he became assistant surgeon to the twenty-fifth regiment Illinois volunteers; and then filled that position in the United States army until the end of the civil war. In 1866-94 he practiced medicine in Kirksville, Mo.; and since then at Wichita, Kan. In 1770-74 he was a member of the Missouri state senate; was post-commander of Kirksville, Mo.; and in 1887-89 was department inspector for Missouri. He is the author of Abraham Lincoln and the Men of


His Time. Browne, Samuel J., clergyman, philanthropist, was born March 19, 1788, in England. He joined the presbytery of Cincinnati about 1868. He accumulated a. large fortune by the rise of real estate in that city ; and bequeathed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the establishment of a university to bear his name, also land whereon to erect the building and an endowment for professorships. He left other sums for the building of a church; and for the establishment of a free school in Cincinnati. He died Sept. 10, 1873, in Harrison Junction, Ohio. Browne, Sara H., author, poet, was born in Sunderland, Mass. She is the author of The Book for the Eldest Daughter; The Borrowed Bible; Philip Alderton; Maggie Menealy; and Manual of Commerce. Browne, Thomas H. Bayly, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was bom in 1844 in Accomack, Va. He volunteered as a private in company F, thirty-ninth regiment Virginia infantry; afterward served as a private in Chew's bat-



tery of the Stuart horse artillery; and surrendered with the army of northern Virginia in 1865. In 1873 he was elected attorney for the commonwealth of Accomack county and was presidential elector on the Blaine ticket in 1884. In 1887-91 he was a representative from Virginia to the fiftieth and fifty-first congresses as a republican. Browne, Thomas M., soldier, lawyer, con gressman, was born April 19, 1829, in New Paris, Ohio. He was prosecuting attorney for the thirteenth judicial circuit of the state' of Indiana in 1855-61; was secretary of the state senate in 1861; and was a state senator in 1863. He entered the union army as a lieutenant-colonel during the civil war and was promoted to the rank of colonel and brevet brigadier-general. He was United States attorney for the district of Indiana in 1869-73; and was an unsuccessful candidate for governor of the state in 1873. In 1877-91 he was a representative from Indiana to the forty-fifth to the fifty-first congresses as a republican. Browne, Thomas McLellan, soldier, was bom in Ohio. In 1863 he was captain in the seventh regiment Indiana cavalry; in 1865 was brevetted brigadier -general of volunteers; and in 1866 was honorably mustered out. He died July 17, 1891. Browne, William Hand, educator, author, was born Dec. 31, 1838, in Baltimore, Md. He fills the chair of English literature in the Johns Hopkins university; and is editor of the Maryland Archives. He is the author of Maryland, the History of a Palitinate; George Calvert and Cecilia Calvert, Barons Baltimore; and other works. Browne, William Hardcastle, lawyer, author, was bom Nov. 14, 1840 in Philadelphia, Pa. He attained note in the profession of law in Philadelphia; but now devotes his time chiefly to literary pursuits. He is the author of Digest of the Law of Divorce and Alimony in the United States and a number of other legal works. His other literary productions are Famous Women of History; Bible Heroes Heart Throbs of Gifted Authors ; Witty Sayings of Witty People; Familiar Quotations ; Waverly Novels Condensed and other works and abridgments. He died in 1906 in Philadelphia, Pa. Browne, William Henry, soldier, was born in New York. In 1846 he was second lieutenant in the first regiment New York volunteers; and resigned in 1847. In 1861 he was lieutenant-colonel in the thirty-first regiment New York infantry; and in 1863

was honorably mustered

out. The same year he became colonel of the veteran reserve corps; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadiergeneral of volunteers. He died Sept. 15, 1900. Brownell, Clarence Ludlow, journalist, author, was bom June 6, 1864, in Hartford, Conn. He is the author of Tales From Tokio. Brownell, Henry Howard, soldier, author, poet, was born Feb. 6, 1830, in Providence, K.I.


served in the


war as ensign