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lork City. He was the author of Pathology and Treatment of Venereal Diseases; and translations from the French of Ricord and

He died Nov. 28, 1879, in Boston, Bumstead, Horace, soldier, educator, clergyman, college president, author, was born Sept. 29, 1841, in Boston, Mass. In 1863 he graduated from Yale in 1870 from Andover theological seminary and received the degree of CD. from the Cullerier.


university of the City of New York. In 186465 he was a major In the forty-third regiment United States colored troops; served in the siege of Richmond and Petersburg; and later served in Texas. In 1872-75 he was pastor of the second congregational church at Minneapolis, Minn. In 1875-78 he was professor of natural science in Atlanta university of Georgia; and in 1888-1907 was president of that institution of learning. He is now engaged chiefly in literary work in Brookline, iviass.

Bumstead, Samuel Josiah, soldier, surgeon, was born June 13, 1841, in

oculist, author,

Philadelphia, Pa. He entered the service in 1863 as second sergeant in company B, one hundred and eighth regiment Illinois volunteer infantry; and a few months lafer was made assistant surgeon of the twenty-ninth Illinois volunteer infantry, and served until the end of the 1865. Since 1877 he has practiced his profession in Decatur, 111. He is the author of The Riversons; and The.Peacemaker of Bourbon.

Bunce, Francis Marvin, naval officer, was born Dec. 25, 1836, in Hartford, Conn. During the civil war he was executive officer of Penobscot. He served on the Pawnee; and had charge of the naval part in the attack and capture of Morris Island, S.C. In 189194 he commanded the naval training station at Newport, R.I.; commanded the North Atlantic station in 1895-97; and in the navy yard of York in 1897-99. He attained the rank of rear-admiral in 1898. He died Oct. 19, 1901, in Hartford, Conn.

also the author of Bachelor Bluff, a volume of essays; House; Marco Bozaris, a drama; Love in '76, a comedy; Romance of the Revolution; Bensly; Bachelor's Story; The Adventures of

He was





Timias Terrystone; and Happinolande and Other Legends. He died May 15, 1890, in

New York


Bunce, William Gedney, landscape painter, artist, was born Sept. 19, 1842, in Hartford, Conn. His first public exhibition was in the Paris salon in 1875. His principal paintings are Approach to Venice; Twilight in Holland; Watch Hill; Rhode Island; Satucket

New England; Venetian Day; and Venetian Night. Bunch, Samuel, soldier, congressman, was born Dec. 4, 1786, in Granger county, Tenn. He commanded a regiment in the Indian war under General Andrew Jackson; and in the charge of the battle of the Horseshoe was the first or second man over the breastworks of the enemy. In 1833-37 he was a representative from Tennessee to the twenty-third and twenty- fourth congresses. He died Sept. 5, 1849, in Rutledge, Tenn. Hillside,

Buncombe, Edward, soldier, was bom in West Indies. During the revolutionary war he raised and commanded the fifth North Carolina regiment; and fought under the

General Francis Nash at the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. In 1791 his name was given to a county in North Carolia. The Americanism speaking for Buncombe signifying any speech made solely to please a constituency or the public is derived representafrom the following incident: tive in congress from Buncombe county was in the habit of making speeches to which no


one listened. One day, observing that many members were leaving the house while he was speaking, he declared that he did not care how many left he was not speaking to the house, but to Buncombe. He died in

1777, in Philadelphia, Pa.

Bundy, Hezekiah Sanford, merchant, lawwas born Aug. 17, 1817,

yer, congressman, in Marietta, Ohio. -

He was




Oscar, architect, sculptor, artist, in July, 1867, in New York City. He studied at the national academy of design; at the Art students league; and engaged in architectural work. Among his works in sculpture are portrait busts of Edward Moran and Dr. Charles Lotin Hildreth. He has erected many public and private buildings in Paterson, N.J.

Bunce, Oliver Bell, journalist, author, was




was born

Feb. 8, 1828, in New York City. He was the editor of Appleton's Journal for the period of its existence; and well known as the author of Don't, a small volume of social negations which was widely circulated.

in the mercantile business as clerk and proprietor in 1835-46; after that turned his attention to farming;




in 1854 he became connected with an iron furnace business. During all these avocations he studied law, and came to the bar in

1850. He was elected to the state legislature in 1848; re-elected in

1850; in 1855 he was chosen a state senator and was a presidential elector in 1860. In 1865-67 and 1873-75 and 1893-95 he was a representative from Ohio to the thirty-ninth, forty-third and the fifty-third congresses. He died Dec. 12, 1895,

in Cincinnati, Ohio.