General John C'adwalader and of Colonel Juambert Cadwalader. He died Nov. 14, 1779, in Trenton, N.J. Cadwalader, Thomas, soldier, was born Oct. 28, 1779, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1812 hewas appointed major-general of the first division of Pennsylvania militia. With Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor he was appointed in 1826 to revise the tactics of the United States army. He died Oct. 31, 1841, in Philadelphia, Pa. Cadwalader, Thomas, soldier, was born Sept. 11, 1795, near Trenton, N.J. He was appointed deputy adjutant-general of the New Jersey militia in 1830; aide-de-camp to the governor; and adjutant-general of the state, with the rank of brigadier-general. He travelled through various European countries and reported on the fire-arms there in use. He was brevetted major-general in 1858. He died Oct. 22, 1873, in Trenton, N.J. Cadwell, D. W., soldier, railroad president. During the civil war he attained the rank of brigadier-general. He became president of the Lake Shore railroad. He died July 21,
now a justice of the supreme court o York. Cady, J. Cleveland, architect, was born Providence, R.I. Since 1870 he has bee; is
practicing as an architect. He was architee of the metropolitan opera house; the mu seum of natural history; and fifteen build ings of Yale college.
Cady, John W., congressman, was born ii York. He was a member of the NeT York assembly in 1832; and in 1823-25 h was a representative from New York to th eighteenth congress. He died in New York. Cady, Sarah Louise E., educator, foundei was born Sept. 13, 1829 in Northampton Mass. In 1864 she was principal of the Ma
plewood institute for young ladies at Pitts field, Mass. In 1870 she established Mrs C'ady's school for girls at New Haven.
1897, in Cleveland, Ohio. Cadwell, Francis, lawyer, jurist. In 18911905 he was judge of the eighth district court of Minnesota. Cady, A. E., merchant, banker, state senator, was born Dec. 7, 1853, in Watertown, Wis. He is a i'holesale grocer and successful banker of St. Paul, Neb.; and in 1896 was the republican candidate for congress. In 1889 he was a member of the Nebraska house of representatives; and in 1893 was chairman of the republican state committee. In 190506 he was a member of the Nebraska state senate.
Cady, Albemarle, soldier, was born Feb. N.H. He graduated from the United States military academy in 1829 served against the Indians in Florida until 1843; and was at the siege of Vera Cruz and in the battles of Cerro Gordo, Churubusco, and Molino del Rey. During the civil war he was on duty on the Pacific coast. He was retired from disability resulting from long and faithful service; and in 1865 received the brevet of brigadier-general United States army. He died March 14, 1888, in New Haven. Cady, Daniel, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born April 39, 1773, in Chatham, N.Y. In 1815-17 he was a representative from New York to the fourteenth congress. He previously served five years in the state legislature: and in 1846-56 was a judge of the supreme court of New York. He died Oct. 31 1859, in Johnstown, N.Y. Cady, Ernest, merchant, lieutenant governor, was born Sept. 6, 1843, in Stafford, Conn. In 1870 he established the grocery firm of Cummings and Cady of Hartford, Conn. In 1893 he was elected lieutenantgovernor of Connecticut. Cady, Herrick D., lawyer, jurist, was bom April 12, 1846, in Esperanoe, N.Y. He has been corporation counsel of Albany, N.Y.
painter, artist, wai
He was
chosen an associati of the national academy of desigi in 1849; and in 1853 became an academician Girl; Mj His most notable paintings are Father; and Brook Trout. He died Sept. 9 1869. Caffery, Donelson, soldier, lawyer, Unitet States senator, was born Sept. 10, 1835, ii bi,. Mary's, La. He served in the confederat( army, first in the thirteenth Louisiana regi ment and subsequently on the staff of Gen eral Walker. He practiced law and engaged in sugar planting after the civil war; was £ member of the constitutional convention o: 1879; and was elected to the state senate ii 1893. In 1893-1901 he was United States sen ator. He died in 1906 in Franklin, La. Caffin, Charles Henry, art critic, author was born June 4, 1854, in England. He grad uated from Oxford university. He has beei art critic of severa born in 1819.
15, 1807, in Iveene,
New York
papers; anc 1901-04 was wit! the New York Sui and the New York in
Evening Post. He
the author of Photography as a Fine Art;
American Masters
Painting; of American Masters of Sculpture;
Study PicThe Story oi American Painting; oi to
Old Spanish Masters; A Child's Guide to Pictures; and Appreciation of the Drama. Cage, Harry, congressman, was born ii Tennessee. In 1833-35 he was a representative
from Mississippi to the twenty-third
died in Louisiana.
Cahan, Abraham, journalist, author, was born July 7, 1860 in Russia. He is editor oi Zukunft of New York City. He is the author of Yekl, a Tale of the New York Ghetto; Raphael Narizokh in Yiddish; and The Imported Bridegroom. Cahill, Edward, lawyer, jurist. In 1890 he was a justice of the supreme court of Michi gan.