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is now professor of geology in the state university of Iowa; and is also state geologist of Iowa. He has been associate editor of the American Geologist; and is the author of several Monographs on scientific subjects.

Calvin, Samuel, educator, lawyer, congress30, 1811, in Washingtonville, Pa. In 1849-51 he was a represen-

man, was born July

tative from Pennsylvania to the thirty-first congress. Campbell, Brookins, state senator, congressman, was born in 1808 in Washington county, Tenn. He was for many years a member of the Tennessee state legislature; and in 1845 was elected speaker. He was an officer in the quartermaster's department in the war with Mexico. He was elected a representative from Tennessee to the thirtythird congress. He died Dec. 25, 1853, in

Washington, D.C. Cambreleng, Churchill C, merchant, diplomat, congressman, was born in 1786 in Washington, N.C. At an early day he engaged in mercantile pursuits with Mr. John Jacob Astor; and travextensively over the world. In 1831-39 he was a representaeled



New York

to the seventeenth to the twenty-fifth congresses. In 1840 he Avas appointed minister plenipotentiary to Russia. His reports




were at one time very numerous; and his Report on Commerce and Navigation was republished in London. He died April 30, 1862, at West Neck, N.Y. Camden, Johnson Newton, lawyer, founder, United States senator, was born March He was 6, 1828, in Lewis county, W.Va. elected prosecuting attorney for Nicholas county in 1852. He was engaged in the banking business in 1854-58, when he entered into the development of petroleum and manufacturing interests at Sutton; and was made lets

president of the First national bank of that city in 1862. He was the nominee of the

democratic party for governor in 1868 and again in 1872; and was a delegate to the democratic national conventions of 1868, 1873 and 1876. In 1881-85 and 1893-95 he was United States senator. He organized and built the railroad from Fairinont to Clarksburg, opening up a, coal field which is now marketing over a million tons of coal and coke annually. He was president of the Monongahela river road; and the West Virginia and Pittsburg road. He died in 1908. Cameron, Angus, United States senator, was born July 4, 1824, in Caledonia, N.Y. he was a member of the New York state senate in 1863, 1864, 1871 and 1872; was a member of the state assembly in 1866-67; and was speaker of that body in 1867. In

1875-85 he was a United States senator fron Wisconsin. He died March 30, 1897, in Mil waukee, Wis. Cameron, Archibald, clergyman, author was born in 1771 in Scotland. He organizec and built up many churches; and next tc Rev. David Rice was considered the fathei of presbyterianism in Kentucky. He was th( author of The Faithful Steward; and othei religious works. He died Dec. 4, 1836, ir

Ky. Cameron, Edgar Spier, painter, artist, was born May 36, 1862, in Ottawa, 111. He was one of the three founders of the Municipal art league. His most important work is The Youth of Christ. He is a figure, landscape and decorative painter. For ten years he was Shelbyville,

art critic for the Chicago Tribune. Cameron, Daniel, soldier, was born in Scotland. In 1862 he was lieutenant -colonel ir the sixty-fifth regiment Illinois infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died April 31, 1879. Camerpn, Henry Clay, educator, author, was born on Sept. 1, 1837, in Shepherdstown Va. In 1877-1906 he held the chair of Greek language and literature in Princeton college, In addition he was instructor in French in 1859-70; and librarian in 1865-73. For more than twenty years he edited the General Catalogue of the College of New Jersey. He was the author of Rise of Colleges in America; Princeton Roll of Honor; and The History of the American Whig Society. He died in 1906 in Princeton, N.J. Cameron, Hugh, soldier, was born in New York. In 1861 he was sergeant in the second regiment Kansas cavalry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-general.

Cameron, James,


was born March

1801, in Maytown, Pa. He took the colonelcy of the seventy-ninth New York highland regiment of volunteers; and at the first battle of Bull Run in 1861 he fell, at the head of his men, mortally wounded. He died July 31, 1861, in the battle of Bull Run, 1,

Cameron, James Donald, United States senator, was born May 14, 1833, in Harrisburg, Pa. In 1876-77 he was secretary oi war; and was a delegate to the republicar national convention at Chicago in 1880. Ir 1877-97 he was a United States senator from Pennsylvania.

Cameron, John A., lawyer, jurist. He was judge of the United States district courl

sometime prior to 1884. Cameron, Margaret, educator, musician author, was born Dec. 21, 1867, in Ottawa 111. She is the wife of H. C. Lewis of Nbts York City. She taught music for some years in Oakland, Cal. She is the author of Come dies in Miniature; The Kleptomaniac; anc

The Burglar, comedies. Cameron, Ossian, lawyer, author, was bon 23, 1868, in Canada. In 1893 he wai admitted to the practice of law. He is th( author of Illinois Criminal Law and Prae tice; and Illinois City and Village Laws.
