HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Campbell, Alexander William, soldier, lawwas born June 4, 1838, in Nashville, Tenn. In 1864 he was assigned to the command of a brigade under General Forrest, having previously been made a, brigadiergeneral. He died June 13, 1893, in Jackson, Tenn. Campbell, Allen Green, miner, capitalist, was born Oct. 16, 1834, in Pulaski county, Mo. He was one of the organizers and builders of the Utah southern extension railroad, ne has been extensively engaged in mining. Campbell, Andrew, manufacturer, inventor, was born Jan. 14, 1831, near Trenton, N.J. He was foreman of a printing press factory invented numerous devices; and in 1858 began business on his own account. In 1866 he invented his two-revolution book press; and in 1868 his art-press for fine art illustrations. He constructed the first press ever built that printed, inserted, pasted, folded, and cut in one continuous operation. His patents number about fifty; and are applied to every branch of press building. He died April 13, 1890, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Campbell, Andrew J., statesman. He was elected a member of congress from the tenth district of New York but died before taking his seat. He died Dec. 6, 1894, in New York yer,
Campbell, Archibald, soldier, government official,
was born July
26, 1813, in
N.Y. His father, of the same name, came from Scotland and was for forty years deputy secretary of state of New York. In 1836 he became aide-de-camp to General Gaines, then in command of United States forces on the Texas frontier. Resigning from the army in 1836, he was engaged in various surveys and works of internal improvement; and became chief clerk of the war department. He was appointed commissioner of the northwestern boundary survey in 1857; and claimed for the United States the canal De Haro as the water boundary. He died July 28, 1887,. in Washington, D.C. Campbell, Archibald, soldier, was born July 16, 1865, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was educated at Stevens institute of technology at the United States military academy and at the United States artillery school. He served in the Spanish-American war in Cuba and Porto Rico; served in China during the boxer uprising; and served in the Philippines during the Philippine insurrection. Since 1901 he has been captain and a major in the artillery corps of the United States army; and is now stationed at Fort Totten, N.Y. Campbell, Arthur Joseph, physician, surgeon, was born March 35, 1856, on the Isle of Wight, England. He graduated in medicine from the college of physicians and surgeons of Baltimore, Md. He is a successful practicing physician and surgeon of Middletown, Conn;; has been pension examiner for his county; and medical examiner for the Aetna, Northwestern and other life insurance companies. He is post surgeon for the state militia.
Campbell, Hartley, journalist, dramatist, author, was born Aug. 12, 1843, in Allegheny City, Pa. He was a journalist of Pittsburg, who turned his attention to the stage and became a popular playwright. He was the author of My Partner; The Galley Slave;
The Big Bonanza; The
Wliite Slave; and Peril. He died July 30, 1888, in Middletown, N.Y. Campbell, Benjamin R., business man. He sunk the first oil well put down in the United States. He died in October, 1900, in Santa
Barbara, Cal. Campbell, Charles, educator, author, was born May 1, 1807, in Petersburg, Va. He was an educator of Petersburg, Va., whose father, John Wilson Campbell, was a bookseller there. for many years and wrote a History of Virginia to 1781. The writings of Charles Campbell include History of the Colony of Virginia; Genealogy of the Spotswood Family; The Bland Papers; and Memoir of John Daly Burk. He died July 11, 1876, in Staunton, Va. Campbell, Charles Fitz Henry, army surgeon, was born in England, Pa. He served as an army surgeon during the civil war; was surgeon of the twenty-third regiment Pennsylvania infantry; was surgeon United States volunteers; and was honorably mustered out of service in 1865. Campbell, Charles Thomas, soldier, state legislator, was born Aug. 10, 1823, in Franklin county, Pa. He became second lieutenant in the eighth United States infantry. In 1853 he was a member of the Pennsylvania state legislature; and served through the Mexican war. He was wounded three times at Fair Oaks, and twice at Fredericksburg, and a horse was killed under him in each of these battles. He was promoted to brigadier-general in 1863; and after the close of the civil war removed to Dakota. He died in 1895.
Campbell, Cleveland in July, 1836, in
New York
was born
led his
regiment into the hottest of the fight at
when the mine exploded, and left and around the crater nearly four hundred of his men, killed or wounded. He himself received injuries from a bursting shell Petersburg, in
that ultimately caused his death. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers in 1865.
died June 13, 1865, in Castleton,
Campbell, David, lawyer, jurist. He was one of the first territorial judges appointed after the adoption of the constitution. In 1811 he was appointed judge for the territory of Mississippi. Campbell, David, soldier, governor. He was appointed major of the twelfth infantry in 1812; lieutenant-colonel of the twentieth infantry in 1813; and resigned in 1814. He was the nineteenth governor of Virginia in 1887-40. Died Mar. 19, 1859, in Abingdon, Va. Campbell, Douglas, lawyer, author, was born in 1840 in New York. He was the author of The Puritan in Holland, England and America. He died March 7, 1893, in Schenectady, N.Y.