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of tie Mississippi state legislature

and speaker of the house; was circuit judge; was supreme judge for eighteen years and became chief justice. He was in the confederate service as a captain, lieutenant-colonel and colonel. He is the author of the Mississippi Revised Code of 1880, which emancipated married women from the disabilities of coverture; and made many medical reforms in the lg,ws of Mississippi. Campbell, Lewis Davis, diplomat, congressman, was born Aug. 9, 1811, in Franklin, Ohio. In 1849-59 and 1871-73 he was a representative from Ohio to the thirty-first to the thirty-fifth and the forty-second congresses. In 1865 he was appointed minister to Mexico. He died Nov. 36, 1882, in Ohio. Campbell, Marius Robinson, civil engineer, geologist, scientist, was born Sept. 30, 1858, in Garden Grove, Iowa. In 1886-88 he was a civil engineer on railroad construction. Since 1889 he has been geologist in the United States geological survey. He is a fellow of the American association for the ad-


of science.

Campbell, Michael Quinn, inventor, was


June 17, 1849, in Ireland. He received his education in the public schools of Massachusetts. He is the inventor of the national cash register. He received seventy-five thousand dollars for the invention, and had he waited another week he would have got a million. He received a Paris gold medal and other honors from various sources. He died in 1899 in Dorchester, Mass. Campbell, Philip Pitt, lawyer, congressman, was born April 25, 1862, in Cape Breton, N.S. Since the age of four years he has resided in Kansas; and since 1889 has practiced law in Pittsburg, Kan. In 1903-11 he was a representative from Kansas to the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth

and sixty-

congresses as a republican. Campbell, Prince Lucian, educator, college president, was born Oct. 6, 1861, in Newmarket, Mo. In 1890-1902 he was principal of the state normal school of Monmouth, Ore.; and since 1902 has been pre.»:dent of the university of Oregon. Campbell, Richard, soldier, was born in Virginia. He was commissioned captain in 1776; subsequently was commissioned mafirst

was promoted lieutenant-colonel; and commanded a Virginia regiment at Guilford, Hobkirk's HoU, at Ninety-Six and at Eutaw Springs, where he was mortally wounded jor;

while leading the charge that drove the British from the field. He died Sept. 8, 1781, in


Springs, S.C.

Campbell, Robert, soldier, jurist, was born in 1755 in Virginia. He displayed great bravery in many conflicts with the Cherokees; and commanded a regiment at the battle of King's mountain in 1780. He was nearly forty years a magistrate of Wasnington county, Va.; and in 1825 emigrated to Tennessee. He died in February, 1832, near Knoxville, Tenn. Campbell, Robert B., congressman, was

born in South Carolina. In 1823-25 and 183337 he was a representative from South Carolina to the eighteenth, twenty-third and twenty-fourth congresses. He died in South Carolina.

Campbell, Samuel, state legislator, congressman, was born in Mansfield, Conn. In 1821-23 he was a representative from New ^ork to the seventeenth congress, and previously had served five years in the assembly of that state. He died in New York. Campbell, Samuel L., educator, college president. He was second president of Washington and Lee university. Campbell, Thomas, clergyman, author, was born Feb. 1, 1763, in Ireland. Entering the ministry in 1798, he soon became identified with the seceders, as powers by the federal authorities under republican administration. He gave special attention to the history of Michigan and the northwest territory. He was the author of Outlines of the Political History of Michigan. He died Jan. 4, 1854, in Bethany, W.Va. Campbell, Thomas Blake, architect, manufacturer, inventor, was born June 8, 1854, in Fayetteville, N.Y. He was the builder of the Memorial chapel, Franklin hall, Morse hall. Armory hall and of other buildings of the Cornell university. In 1889 he discovered a valuable deposit of clay in Tompkins county, N.Y., suitable for the manufacture of white and buff pressed brick and terra cotta; built extensive works for its manufacture; and has invented numerous devices to expedite the work of manufa"cture. Campbell, Thomas F., congressman, was born in South Carolina. He was a representative in congress 1834-35. He died in

from South Carolina South Carolina.


Campbell Thomas Jefferson, congressman,

was born in 1786 in Tennessee. In 1841-43 he was a representative from Teimessee to the twenty-seventh congress. He was presidential elector in 1837-41.



died April 13, 1850,

Washington, D.C.

Campbell, Thomas Joseph, educator, college president, was born April 29, 1848, in New York City. In 1885 he was appointed rector of St. John's college; and in 1886 was chosen the thirteenth president of St. John's college of Fordham, N.Y. Campbell, Thomas Mitchell, lawyer, jurist, governor, was born April 22, 1856, in Rusk. Texas. In 1878 he began the practice of law; and in 1889-91 was master in chancery. In 1907-11 he was governor of Texas. Campbell, Thompson, congressman, was born in Pennsylvania. He moved to Galena, 111., and was elected secretary of state in 1843-46. In 1851-53 he was a representative from Illinois to the thirty-second congress.


died Dec. 7, 1868, in California. Cainpbell, Timothy J., congressman, was born in 1840 in Ireland. He was a member of the New York state assembly in 1860-75; and afterward served six years as justice of the fifth district civil court in New York City. In 1883 he was returned to the state