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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. of Bis Religious Teachings; George William Curtis: an Address; Life for Liberty; Book of Poems ; and In Nazareth Town, and Other Poems. He died in 1904 in Brooklyn. Chadwick, Stephen F., lawyer, jurist, governor. United States senator, was born Deo. 35, 1828, in Middletown, Conn. He was a member of the state constitutional convention; at different periods was a probate and ooxmty judge; and was a presidential electrr in 1864 and 1868. He was secretary of state in 1870-78. He was the fifth governor of Oregon in 1877-78 and United States senator to fill a vacancy. He died Jan. 16, 1895, in Salem, Ore. Chadwick, Winfield Scott, railroad president, was born March 18, 1848, in Beaufort, N.C. Since 1889 he has been president of the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad. Chafiee, Adna Romanza, soldier, was born April 14, 1842 in Orwell, Ohio. He served through the civil war and attained the rank of major. In 1898 he was appointed brigadier-general United States volunteers; served in the Santiago campaign, and in 1898 was promoted to major-general. He served throughout the Spanish- American war; and iu 1900 attained the rank of major-general United States army. Chaffee, Arthur Billings, clergyman, educator, college president, was born on June 19, 1852, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1879-89 he filled the chair of latin in Franklin college of Indiana. In 1889 he entered the ministry and in 1896-99 was president of Central university of Iowa. In 1899-1900 was pastor at




City, Iowa; and since 1900 has been professor of philosophy and history in Des Moines college; and also pastor of the Forest avenue baptist church. Chaffee, Calvin C, congressman, was born Aug. 28, 1811, in Saratoga, N.Y. In 1855-59 he was a representative from Massachusetts to the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth congresses. In 1859 was appointed librarian of the house of representatives. He died in Massachusetts.


born in







He was

a graduate of West Point; and was a captain in the civil war. He died July 5, 1867. Chaffee, Elmer Asahel, farmer, lawyer, was born April 5, 1849, in Stockholm, N.Y. He has filled the office of county attorney in Nolan county, Texas; has held various other public offices of honor; and is a noted lawyer of .4nthony, N.M. He has written extensively for 1nw journals and the periodical press generally.

Jerome Bunty, miner, congressUnited States senator, was born April 1825, in Niagara county, N.Y. He served

Chaffee, niaii,

17. in the legislature

of Colorado in 1861-63;

and served as speaker of the house. In 1865 he was elected United States senator. In 1371-75 he was territorial delegate from Colorado to the forty-second and forty-third


congresses; and in 1875-79 was United States senator. He died March 9, 1886, Chafin, Eugene W., lawyer, author, was born Nov. 1, 1852, in East Troy, Wis. He attended the ftommon schools of his native

county; and in 1875 graduated from the Wisconsin state university. He has attained prominence as an able lawyer of Waukesha, Wis.; and has taken an active part in the public affairs of his county






author of a work enLives of the titled Presidents, the subject matter of which, by his permission, has been incorporated into the pages of this

work. For many years he was grand chief templar of the Wisconsin independent order of good templars; and is a prominent member of various other fraternal orders. Chaille, Stanford Emerson, medical educator, author, was born July 9, 1830, in Natchez, Miss. He is dean and professor of the medical department of Tulane university of Louisiana; and since 1851 has held many other official medical positions. During the civil war he was a private in the New Orleans light horse; was acting surgeon -general of Louisiana; and was promoted to surgeon and medical inspector of the army of the Tennessee. His principal works are Yellow Fever in Havana and Cuba; Laws of Population and Voters; Living, Dying, Registering, and Voting Population of Louisiana; Intimidation of Voters in Louisiana; and Origin and Progress of Medical Jurisprudence, 1776-1876. Chaille-Long, Charles, explorer, author, was born in 1843 in Maryland. He is an African explorer of French parentage. He is the author of Central Africa, the Three Prophets, Gordon, the Mahdi and Arabi. Chainey, George, clergyman, author, was born in 1851 in England. He is pastor of the unitarian church at Williams Bay, Wis. He is the author of Foundation Stones The New Version; Discourses on the Bible in Boston;

and The Ten Commandments. Chalfaut, George Alexander, manufacturer, banker, was born March 3, 1841, at Turtle Creek, Pa. He was president of Spang, Chalfant and company, iron manufacturers of Etna, Pa. He was president of the Farmers and mechanics' bank of Sharpsburg, Pa. He died Aug. 11, 1904, in Detroit, Mich.