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HERRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. ishore; and New York Harbor. He died )ct. 2, 1898, in New Yorli City. Chase, Horace, statesman, was born in New England. He was a member of the first conititutional convention of Wisconsin; and a nember of the first state legislature. He ^as mayor of Milwaukee in 1862-63. He

1887 in Milwaukee, Wis. Chase, Ira, J., governor, was born in Indima. He was governor of Indiana in 1890-93. He died May 11, 1895, in Lubec, Maine. Chase, Irah, clergyman, author, was born 3ct. 5, 1793, in Stratton, Vt. He founded

he theological seminary at Newton Centre,

Vlass.; and was professor there in 1825-45. Ele was the author of Life of Bunyan; Design of Baptism; The Jewish Tabernacle; [nfant Baptism an Invention of Men; and The Constitutions of the Holy Apostles. He lied Nov. 1, 1864, in Newton, Mass. Chase, Jeremiah T., congressman, was bom n Maryland. In 1783-S4 he was a delegate from Maryland to the continental congress, tie died in Maryland. Chase, Mrs. Jessie Anderson, litterateur, luthor, was born in 1865 in Ohio. She is the luthor of Sixty Composition Topics; also A 5tudy of English Words; Three Freshmen;

Chase, Philander, clergyman, bishop, founder, author, was born Dec. 14, 1775, in Cornish, N.H. He received a thorough academic

and theological educa-


Chase, Julia Clarke, poet, was born April She has written ), 1856, in Neosho, Wis. me thousand poems; and also stories and sketches for children.

Chase, Lewis Nathaniel, educator, lecturer, was bom June 27, 1873, in Sidney, Maine. He was educated in the public and jrivate schools of Rochester, N.Y.; attended [jeland Stanford university and Columbia

ollege; and has received the degrees of A.B.,

i.M. and Ph.B. In 1899-1900 he was assistmt in literature; in 1902-03 was a lecturer literary subjects; in 1903-04 was instructor in English; and since 1904 has been asiistant-professor of English in the Indiana miversity at Bloomington, Ind. He is the luthor of The English Heroic Play. Chase, Lucien B., congressman, author, was )orn Aug. 9, 1817, in Vermont. In 1845-49 le was a representative from Tennessee to

he twenty-ninth and thirtieth congresses.

ie was the author of History of President Polk's Administration. He died Dec. 14, 1864, luthor,


n Vermont, Chase, Lyman Cleveland, educator, clergynan, author, was born Oct. 2, 1839, in Rutand, Ohio. In 1883 he became superintenlent of missions in the freewill baptist ihurch in Kansas; and has ever since been mgaged in ministerial work. He is the authand The ir of Contending for the Faith; 5abe of Jerusalem. Chase, Martha Ellen, educator, founder, luthor, was born Dec. 5, 1846, in Lyndon, Tt.; and is the daughter of General E. B. )hase. In 1877 she established the Santa losa seminary of California, of which she is till


He was


protestant bishop of

lied in








Ohio; Illinois.



founded Kenyon college at Gambier, Ohio.

He collected for the institution the sum of thirty thousand dollars with which he purchased eight thousand acres of land; and laid the foundations of a college and theological seminary. He was the author of A Plea for the West; Defence of Kenyon College; and Reminis-

cences. College,


died Sept. 20,

1852, at Jubilee


Chase, Pliny Earle, educator, scientist, auwas born Aug. 18, 1820, in Worcester, Mass. In 1817 he became professor of philosophy and logic in Haverford college, near Philadelphia, Pa. He was the author of Numerical Relations of Gravity and Magnetism; Elements of Meteorology, Elements of Arithmetic; and Common School Arithmetic. He died Dec. 17, 1886, in Haverford, Pa. Chase, Robert Howland, physician, alienist, author, was born Jan. 30, 1845, in Salem, Mass. Since 1893 he has been medical superintendent of the Friends asylum for the insane in Philadelphia Pa. He is the author of General Paresis. Chase, Roland E., lawyer, banker, founder, was born on Aug. 14, 1867, at Holly Creek, Wise county, Va., now Clintwood, Dickinson county, Va. He was thor,


educated in law at the National normal university of Lebanon, Ohio and received the ilegree of LL.B. from that institution. Since 1888 he has practiced law in Clintwood, Va. and in 1903-06 was president of the Clintwood bank. He is a charter member of the Norton lodge, and the lodge being started the next year at Clintwood, was named in honor of his father as Chase lodge independent order of odd fellows. The county seat was placed on his father's farm in 1882; and his father was the founder of the town. He has held high offices in various fraternal orders; and in 1906 was grand master of the grand lodge of Virginia independent order of odd fellows. His father. Captain John P. Chase, came to Virginia in 1854. His grandfather was a captain in the confederate army and served two terms in the Virginia state legislature.