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HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Chatard, Frederick, naval officer, was born 1807 in Baltimore, Md. He became a comlander in 1855, In 1861 he entered the coniderate navy, with the rank of commander; ad at the time of his death was the oldest irviving officer of that navy. He died Oct. I

1897, in St. Louis, Mo. Chatfield, A. G., lawyer, jurist. He was an irly emigrant to Minnesota; and in 1853 ,

was appointed an associate justice of the 'nited States court for the territory of Minesota. He died in Minnesota. Chatfield, Julia, educator, was born in 1809 e


London, England. In 1845 she conducted body of Ursulines from Boulogne to the

Tnited States. She selected Brown county, hio; and erected the convent and academy St. Martin's, which became itholic institution in the west. f

a leading She acted

president of the academy for over thirty She died 1878 in Brown county, Ohio. Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart Chatfield, author, ras born March 24, 1865, in Chicago, 111. [e was educated at Cornell university. He the author of With Edge Tools ; An Amer:an Peeress; Two Women and a Fool; The land of the Castanet ; and the Vice of Pools. Chatterton, Fenimore, lawyer, state senaDr, jurist, governor, was bom July 21, 1860, 1 Oswego, N.Y. He was educated in the ublic schools of Washington, D.C.; and raduated from the law department of the niversity of Michigan. He has been county reasurer, probate judge and prosecuting atorney of Carbon county; and a member of he Wyoming state senate. In 1890-1903 he raa secretary of state of Wyoming; and in 903-04 was governor of Wyoming. For lany years he has been prominent in railway building and mining in Wyoming. Chaimcey, Charles, lawyer, jurist, was orn June 11, 1747, in Durham, Conn. He ecame state's attorney in 1776. He was a iidge of the superior court in 1789-93; and ras for forty years a, lecturer on jurispruence. He was the principal founder and resident of the first agricultural society in tonnecticut. He died April 28, 1823, in New a



[aven. Conn.

Chauncey, Isaac, naval officer, was bom 20, 1772, in Black Eock, Conn. He made everal successful voyages to the East Inies in the ships of John Jacob Astor. He 'eb.

istinguished himself in several actions oflf and was thanked by congress for his ervices. He served in the war of 1812; and 1 1833-40 was president of the board of avy commissioners. He died Jan. 27, 1840, 1 Washington, D.C. Chauncy, Charles, clergyman, college preslent, author, was bom in 1592 in England, [e was a puritan clergyman; and vicar of Tare in 1627-35. He came to America in 638; and was thirteen years minister at cituate. He was the second president of [arvard college. His most important work a series of twenty-six Sermons on Justiflition. He died Feb. 19, 1672. 'ripoli;



Chauncy, Charles, clergyman, author, was born Jan. 1, 1705, in Boston. He was pastor of the first church in Boston until 1787. He was the author of Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England; Discourse on Enthusiasm, directed against Whitefield, of whose teachings he was a strong opponent; Letters to Whitefield; Complete View of Episcopacy; The Mystery Hid from the Ages; Benevolence of the Deity; Five Dissertations on the Fall and its Consequences; and Validity of Presbyterian Ordination.


died Feb. 10, 1787, in

Boston, Mass.

Chauvenet, Regis, chemist, college president, was bom Oct. 7, 1842, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1872-75 he was chemist to the Missouri geological survey; and in 1883 became professor of Chemistry and president of the Colorado state school of mines at Golden. Chauvenet, William, mathematician, authwas born May 24, 1830, in Milford, Pa. He took an important part in the founding of the United States naval academy, where he was professor of mathematics and astronor,


in 1845-59.

He was

chancellor of


ington university at St. Louis in 1862-69. He was the author of Binomial Theorem and Logarithms; Plane and Spherical Trigonometry;

Manual of Spherical and Practical Asand Elementary Geometry. He


died Dec. 13, 1870, in St. Paul, Minn.

Chauvenet, William Marc, mining engineer, was born March 4, 1855, in Annapolis, Md. In 1882-85 he was assistant in the United States geological survey. Lake Superior division. He is the author of Notes on Minnesota Geology on Northern Boundary. chemist,

Chavez, J. Francisco, soldier, congressman,

was born June 37, 1833, in Padillas, N.M. He was appointed major of the first regiment of infantry raised in New Mexico and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In 1865-67 and 1869-71 he was a ter;

delegate from New Mexico to the thirty-ninth and forty-first congresses as a democrat. Chavis, Jordan Douglas, clergyman, educator, college president, was born Aug. 9, 1863, near Greensboro, N.C. He completed his college course in 1887, and attained success as an educator and methodist clergyman. Since 1893 he has been president of the Bennett college of Greensboro, N.C. ritorial

Cheadle, Joseph B., journalist, congressman, 14, 1843, in Perrysville, Ind. He entered the editorial profession. In 188791 he was a representative from Indiana to the fiftieth and fifty-first congresses as a republican. He died in 1904 in Frankfort, Ind.

was born Aug.

Cheatham, Benjamin Franklin,



Oct. 20, 1830, in Nashville, Tenn. He served as captain of volunteers in the Mexican war. He entered the army of the seceded states, being one of the first Tennesseeans to enlist in the confederate service;
