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HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. war began; and served as ensign under Farragut during the civil war. He has long been attached to ships in Pacific waters, in the Pacific and Asiatic squadrons. As commander of the first-class battleship ' Oregon, he was the first naval officer to bring a great modern battleship around Cape Horn; and his gallant work in destroying the Spanish fleet in 1898 has made-his name a household word throughout the civilized world. Clark, Charles Heber, journalist, author, was bom July 11, 1841, in Berlin, Md. He is a Philadelphia journalist who has written several works of a humorous character which have been popular. He is the author of Out of the Hurly Burly; Elbow Room, a Novel without a Plot; Random Shots; and Fortunate Island and Other Stories. Clark, Charles Hobart, soldier. He is a lieutenant-colonel United States army. Clark, Charles N., statesman, congressman, was born Aug-. 21, 1S37, in Cortland county, N.Y. He received a good education in the public schools. He was made a member of the executive committee for the improvement of western wa-

ham, N.H. He moved to Manchester in 1839; was a member of the legislature for five years; and in 1857-67 he was United States senator; and was president pro tern of the United States senate in 1864-65. In 1866-91 he was United States judge for the district of New Hampshire. He died Jan. 2, 1891, in Manchester, N.H. Claik, Daniel A., clergyman, author, was born March 1, 1779, in Rahway, N.J. In 1820 he became pastor of the West parish of Amherst, Mass.; and became one of the foundHis complete works, with a biographical sketch by George Shepard, were published in 1846. He died March 3, 1840, in New York. Clark, Davis Wasgatt, clergyman, bishop, author, was born Feb. 12, 1813, in Maine. He was a methodist bishop; and the author of Mental Discipline; Death -Bed Scenes; Man all Immortal; Life of Bishop Hedding; Sermons; and Elements of Algebra. He died ers of the college there.


23, 1871, in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Edsou Lyman, clergyman, author, was born on April 1, 1827, in Easthampton, Clark,



ways; and at his motion the national ter

convention was held in Washington, D.C. In 1895-97 he was a representative from Missouri

attended Williston seminary in his native town. In 1853 he graduated from the Union theological seminary. In 1853-56 he taught in a

the fiftyfourth congress as a republican, and was placed on the river

Clark, Charles Peter,

railroad president,

was born Aug. 11, 1836, in Nashua, N.H. In 1887-99 he was president of the New York, New Haven and Hartford railway; and in 1895-1901 was president of the Hartford and New England railroad. He died March 21, 1901, in France.

Clark, Christopher, congressman,

was bom

in 1767 in Virginia. In 1804-06 he was a representative to the eighth and ninth congresses. He died Nov. 21, 1828, in New London,

Va. Clark, Clarence Don, lawyer, congressman. United States senator, was born April 16, 1851, in Sandy Creek, N.Y. He was prosecuting attorney for Uinta county four years; and was appointed associate justice of the territory of Wyoming in 1890, but declined the office. In 1889-93 he was a representative from Wyoming to the fifty-first and fifty-second congresses. He was a delegate to the republican national conventions in 1888 and 1900. In 1895 he was elected a member of the United States senate for the term ending in 1911. Clark, Daniel, lawyer, jurist, United States senator, was born Oct. 24, 1809, in Strat40




and harbor committee. For many years he has been identified with the business and public affairs of Hannibal.






man of






in 1859-67 he was pastor of the congre-



church of Dalton; in 1867-77 was pastor at North Braiilord; and in 1877-86 he preached at Southampton. He is the author of The Arabs and the Turks; The Races of Euro-

pean Turkey; and Fundamental Questions, chiefly relating to Genesis and the Hebrew Scriptures. Clark, Edward L., clergyman, author, was born Feb. 3, 1838, in Nashua, N.H. He ia pastor of the Central congregational church of Boston, Mass. He is the author of Israel in

Egypt; and Daleth-Egypt. Clark,


was born


merchant, author, Huron, N.Y. In

Oct. 14, 1827, in

1847 he graduated from Hamilton college; and then studied medicine. In 1852-64 he was a railroad agent in New York City. In 18G4-65 he was a wholesale druggist; and in 1866-91 was sAretary of the New York health department. During the civil war he

was captain

of second

enth regiment


New York

of the sevstate guard; and


retired in 1889 after twenty-five years service with the rank of brigadier-general. He is the author of History of the Seventh Regiment of the New Y^ork State Militia. Clark, Ezra, congressman, was bom in

Vermont. In 1855-59 he was a representa-