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eler's insurance company, the city bank of Hartford, the Fidelity company ; and in various other institutions. In 1896-97 he was president of the national board of fire under-

writers. Clark, gist,

William Braddock, educator, geolo-

was born Dec.

15, 1860, in Brattleboro, Vt. In 1844 he graduated from Amherst col-

lege; in 1887 graduat-

ed with the degree of Ph.D. from the university of Munich, Germany; and continued his studies in Berlin


in London. Sisce 1887 he has been connected with the Johns Hopkins university of Baltimore, Md. ; and since 1888 has been a member on the staflf of the United States geological survey. Since 1891 he has been director of the Maryland weather service; since 1900 has been commissioner for the state of Maryland on the resurvey of the Mason and Dixon line; and since 1906 has been an executive officer of the Maryland state forestry commission. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Geology; since 1901 has been president of the Children's aid society of Baltimore, Md. and since 1894 has been professor of geology and also director of the geological laboratory of Johns Hopkins university. Since 1896 he has been state geologist of Maryland. He is the author of Eocene Deposits of the United States and other Monographs and papers and also several volumes of the Maryland geological survey. Clark, William Smith, soldier, educator, college president, was born July 31, 1836, in Ashfield, Mass. At the beginning of the civil war he was commissioned major of the twenty-first Massachusetts infantry; and in 1862 was appointed colonel. In 1867 he was elected president of the Massachusetts agricultural college. In 1864-67 he was a ^-epresentative to the Massachusetts state legis;


was born

Gaylord, journalist, poet, 1810 in New York, and was

Willis in

L. G. Clark. He was editor of the Philadelphia Gazette, the oldest paper in that city, and in 1841 became proprietor. He was the author of a poem entitled The Spirit of Life. He died June 12, 1841, in

twin brother of

Philadelphia, Pa. Clark, Willis H., lawyer, jurist. He is judge of the court of criminal correction in St. Louis,


Clark, William Hyde, soldier,

was born in York. In 1861 he was first lieutenant in the first regiment Iowa volunteer infantry; and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier-


geenral of volunteers. He died Oct. 10, 1870. Clarke, Albert, soldier, lawyer, railroad president, was born Oct. 13, 1840, in Grantville, Vt. He practiced law until 1862; and then enlisted in the thirteenth regiment Vermont volunteeers. He purchased the Messenger of St. Albans, Vt. In 1874 was a member of the Vermont state senate. He became president of the Vermont and Canadian railroad. In 1896-98 he served in the Massachusetts state legislature. Clarke, Alfred, public

lawyer, was


born July 27, 1832, in Ireland. In 1856-87 he was connected with the police department of San Francisco; was really the father of the police, having made it a credit to the city. He was one of the founders of Calvary presbyterian church in 1854. He was also one of the founders of the police benevolent society in 1879; and for five years was its

president. Clarke,

Almon Taylor, clergyman,


was born Feb.


19, 1840, in Ticonderoga, N.Y. received his education in several institutions; and in 1872 he

graduated in theology

from the Andover theological seminary; and was ordained the same year as a minister. He He has held pastor-

He died March 9', 1886, in Amherst, Clark, William, T., soldier, congressman, was born June 29, 1834, in Norwalk, Conn. He served in the union army in all grades up to brevet major-general; and commanded a division in Texas until mustered out in 1866, when he went into business at Galveston. He took an active part in reconstruction; and in 1869-73 he was a representative from Texas to the forty-first congress as a republican. He died in 1905 in Galveston, Texas. Clark, William W., lawyer, jurist, banker, was born Feb. 14, 1858, iii Elgin, 111. He began the practice of law in 1879, in Wayland, N.Y. In 1907 he was elected associate justice for the supreme court of the state of New York for the term ending in 1920. He is president of the First national bank of

ates in Tiverton, R.I., in Crown Point, N.Y., PariahvUle, N.Y., Sheldon, and Franklin, Vt., in Florida and also in Shelby, Ala. In 1889 he became editor of the Southern Congregationalist of Atlanta, 6a.; IS now pas tor of the church of the covenant of Shelby, Ala.; and editor of the Helper, a general religious organ of the congregationalist churches of the south. Clarke, Archibald S., lawyer, jurist, state senator, congressman, was born in 1778. He Avas ii member of the New York state senate in 1813-17; and in 1815-17 he was a representative from New York to the fourteenth congress. He held the several positions of clerk, surrogate and judge of Saratoga county. He died Dec. 4, 1831, in Clar-

Wayland, N.Y.

ence, N.Y.
