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Richard Henry, lawyer, author, 3, 1827, in Washington, D.C. He is a prominent Roman catholic lawyer of Washington and later of New York. He is the author of Hlustrated History of the Catholic Church in the United States; Lives of Deceased Eoman Catholic Bishops of the United States; and Old and New Lights on Columbus. Clarke, Robert, surveyor, was bom in London, England. In 1639 he sat as a freeman in the Maryland legislature; in 1640 was deputy surveyor; and in 1649 surveyor-general of the province. He died in Maryland.

ninth, fortieth and forty-first congresses as a republican, and made chairman of committee of Indian affairs. In 1878 he again became a member of the Kansas legislature, and speaker of the house of representatives. In 1889 he moved to Oklahoma City, Okla. ; and in 1898 was elected to the territorial council. He was a leading advocate of statehood for Oklahoma, and chairman of the statehood executive committee. He is a successful lawyer, and has been prominent in originating and securing the legislation which resulted in the settlement and development of Okla-

journalist, author, was bom May 1, 1839, in Scotland. He founded the publishing and bookselling house of Robert Clarke and company, now the Robert Clarke company, of which he was president. He edited Colonel George Rogers Clarke's Campaign in the Illinois in 1778-79; James McBride's Pioneer Biographies; also Captain

Clarke, Simeon, Jr., lawyer, jurist. In 1788-90 he was an associate justice of the supreme court of Rhode Island. Clarke, Staley N., congressman. In 184143 he was a representative from New York to the twenty-seventh congress. He died in New York.


was born July



James Smith's Captivity with the Indians; and is the author of a pamphlet entitled The Pre-Historic Remains Which Were Found on the Site of the City of Cincinnati, with a Vindication of the Cincinnati Tablet. He died Aug. 26, 1899, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Clarke, Samuel, clergyman, author, was born in 1599 in England. He was the author of General Martyrology, A True and Faithful Account of the Four Chief est Plantations of the English in America; and New Description of the World. He died in 1682. Clarke, Samuel Fessenden, naturalist, author, was bom Jan. 4, 1851, in Geneva, 111. In 1874-75 he was assistant to the United States fish commission; and in 1879-81 was assistant in the biological laboratory at Johns Hopkins university. In 1882 he was lecturer in biology at Smith college; and has been professor of natural history at Williams college since 1882. Clarke, Sara Jones, litterateur, author, was born Sept. 12, 1840, in Norridgewock, Maine. She is the author of the Little Miss Weezy Series and the Silver Gate Series.



journalist, conOct. 16, 1831, in South-


gressman, was born He published the Southbridge Press. In 1858 moved to Kansas, and he settled in Lawrence, and was one of the prominent leaders of the

bridge, Mass.





was a member of the Kansas state legislature in 1862; subsequently rendered military service against the rebellion as assistant adjutant general with rank of captain during 1863-65; and was detailed as provost marshal-general for Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and Dakota. In 1865-71 he was a representative from Kansas to the thirty-


Clarke, Thomas Benedict, artist, founder, was born Dec. 11, 1848, in New York City. He was educated at the Mount Washington collegiate institute of New York City. He is

an art collector and connoisseur. He has devoted a lifetime to the collection of works of art, and in 1899 sold a collection of works of American artists for two hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars. In 1895-1903 he of the New York school of applied design. He was the founder of the competition prize of the national academy of design; and formed an American art collection which sold in 1899 for nearly a quarter

was president

of a million dollars. Clarke, Thomas Shields, painter, artist was born April 25, 1860, in Pittsburg, Pa His pictures were exhibited at Berlin, Madrid and London; and at the Columbian univerFool's sity. Among his best paintings are Gondola Girl; The Cider Press; and Fool; many others. Clarke, Walter, colonial governor. He was a colonial governor of Rhode Island in 167677, 1686 and 1686-98.



Clarke, Walter B., lawyer, statesman, was April 4, 1876, in Nobleboro, Maine. Ii he graduated with the degree of A.B Bowdoin college; and in 1903 graduatec the degree of LL.B. from Harvard law school. Since 1903 he has practiced law ii Portland, Maine. In 1890-1903 he was as sistant secretary of the Maine state senate In 1903-05 he was a representative in th< Maine state legislature; in 1905-07 was ex ecutive councilor; and since 1907 has beer a member of the state senate. Clarke, William Bingham, banker, finan cier. He is a prominent banker of Kansas City, Mo.; and a leader in the business, pub lie and social affairs of his city and state and often in national affairs affecting his community. He is president of the Unite( States tmst company; and is a director ii

born 1899 from with


banks and other




has twice been president of thi Kansas City club; and has been president oi tions.