William Harvey, educator,
was born Feb. 9,
1874, in
Minn. In 1897 he graduated with the degree of B.A. from the university of Chicago;
and was a graduate student from the universities of Leipsig, Berlin and Pennsylvania, receiving the degree of Ph.D. He was an
instructor in the university of Pennsylvania; secretary of the New Jersey state
charities aid and prison reform association;
general agent of the New York association
for improving the condition of the poor;
secretary of the committee on physicial welfare of school children ; secretary of the committee on hospital needs and finances; and
is now secretary of the bureau of municipal
research of New York City. He is the author of Efficient Democracy.
Allen, Willian Henry, naval officer, was born Oct. 21, 1784, in Providence, E.I. In 1809 he became first lieutenant of the frigate United States; and gained distinction in the action with the Macedonian in 1812. In 1813 he was made master-commandant; carried Mr. Crawford to France in the Argus and then harassed British commerce until he encountered the brig Pelican of the British navy in 1813. In the ensuing severe; was second lieutenant of the Argus, and in the fight with the Peloian off coast of England after Captain Allen
commanded the
and the first officer was disabled. He was killed in attempting to board piratical vessels with boats near Matanzas, in the island of Cuba. His friend Halleck made his early death the subject of a tender and touching poem. He was killed in action Nov. 9, 1822, near Matanzas, Cuba.
Allen, William Joshua, lawyer, jurist, congresman, was born in 1828 in Tennessee;
and moved with
his father to Illinois in 1829. In 1854 he was elected to the Illinois state legislature; in 1855-60 was United States attorney for the district of Illinois; and in 1860 was elected judge of the circuit court. In 1862 he became a representative from Illinois to the thirty-seventh congress, for the unexpired term of John A. Logan, resigned; and was a member of the thirtyeighth congress in 1863-65. In 1887-1901 he was judge of the United States district court. He died Jan. 26, 1901, in Hot Springs,
Allen, William Vincent, lawyer, jurist, United States senator, was born Jan. 28, 1847, in
combat he was mortally wounded and his vessel captured.
was named
Allen street of New York in his honor. He died Aug.
15, 1813.
Allen, William Henry, educator, college president, was bom March 27, 1808, in Readfield,
In 1833 he graduated from Bowdoin college ; and then became a teacher of Greek and Latin in the Cazenovia seminary of New York. In 1836 he took charge of the high school in Authen Maine gusta, in filled a position
Carlisle, Pa.,
ten years he was prochemistry fessor of and natural philosophy in Dickinson college.
In 1850 he became president of the
Gir-ard college of Philadelphia, Pa. For thirteen
years he filled that position and then resigned; but at the end of four years he was persuaded to again accept the presidency of
that institution. In 1872 he was elected
president of the American bible society. He
died Aug. 29, 1882, in Philadelphia, Pa.
Allen, William Herschell, naval ofiScer, was born about 1850 in New York. In 1876 he graduated from the naval academy; and in 1890 was promoted to lieutenant. In 1899 he was promoted to lieutenant-commander; and in 1899-1901 was connected with the bureau of equipment. Allen, WiUiam Howard, naval officer, was born July 8, 1790, in Hudson, N.Y. He entered the navy as midshipman in 1808; and was promoted lieutenant in 1813. He
received his edu-
Iowa and
the Upper Iowa university at Fayette. He served as a union soldier during the civil war in company G, thirty-second regiment Iowa volunteer infantry. In 1869 he was admitted to the bar; removed to Nebraska in 1884; and in 1891 was elected judge of the ninth judicial district of that state. In 1893-1901 he was a member of the United States senate. in
was born in In 1851-55 he was a representa-
Allen, Willis, congressman,
tive from lillinois to the thirty-second and thirty-third congresses.
Allen, Willis Boyd, editor, author, was born July 9, 1855, in Kittery Point, Maine. He has been editor of Cottage Hearth; Our Sunday Afternoon; and of Wellspring. He is the author of thirty-five books for young people, the most notable of which are: Pine
Stories, in six volumes;
Red Mountain
Camp VagaHunters; The Great Island; Boyhood of John Kent; Christmas at Surf Point; Snowed In; A Son of Liberty; Called to the Front; Mountaineer Series, in five volumes; Forest Home Stories, in five volumes; John Brownlow's Folks; In the Morning; Silver Rags; Navy Blue; and A Story of the United States Naval Academy. of Alaska; Lion City of Africa;
Alien, Zachariah, inventor, author, was Sept. 15, 1795, in Providence, R.I. He was a manufacturer of Providence ; and pat-