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lawyer, jurist, was a na-

tive of Connecticut. He was appointed an associate justice of the United States court for the territory of Arizona prior to 1884.

Allyn, Rohert, educator, clergyman, legiscollege president, was born Jan. 25, 1817, in Ledyard, Conn. In 1841 he graduated from the Wesleyan university; and he


taught mathematics in that institution. In 1843-46 he engaged in pastoral work in the methodist episcopal church; and in 1848^* "'^^ principal of ___^_^_D_r^^_. the Providence conference seminary. In 1853-54 he was a representative in the Rhode Island state legislature; and in 1857 he was elected state commissioner of public schools for Rhode Island. In 1859-63 he was president of the Wesleyan female college at Cincinnati, Ohio; in 1863-73 was president of McKendree college; and subsequently became president of the Southern Illinois normal college at Carbondale. 111. He died about 1880 in Carbon-





Almy, John Jay, naval officer, was born April 25, 1814, in Rhode Island. He entered the navy as midshipman in 1829; advanced to the rank of commodore in 1869; and until 1876 was commander of the Pacific squadron. He attained the rank of rearadmiral; and was retired in 1888. He died May 16, 1895, in Washington, D.C. Almy, William, educator, manufacturer, philanthropist, was born Feb. 17, 1761, in Providence, R.I. He was a teacher and a member of the society of Friends; and became wealthy through marriage with the only daughter of Moses Brown and resulting business arrangements for the manufacture of cotton goods. One of his most important charities was the establishment of the New England yearly meeting boardinghouse in Providence, where he educated at his own expense eighty young persons selected by him. He devoted large sums to other charitable objects. He died Feb. 5, 1836, in Providence, R.I. Alpers, William Charles, pharmacist, chemist, scientist, author, was born July 7, 1851, in Germany. He was educated at the Hanover high school; in 1877 graduated from the university of Gottingen; in 1879 graduated from the New York college of pharmacy and subsequently from the New York university, receiving the degree of Sc.D. in chemistry. Since 1893 he has been engaged as a pharmacist in New York City; and is now president of the Alpers pharmacy and also president of the Alpers chemical company. In 1873-79 he was instructor of mathematics and languages at St. Matthew's

Almes, Herman Earhart, physician, surgeon, was born Dec. 28, 1867, in Long Run, Pa. He was educated in the public schools of Pennsylvania, attended Elders Ridge

academy; in 1889 graduated with the degree of M.D. from the medical department of the university of Wooster at Cleveland, 0.; and graduated in 1890 from the medical department of the Western university of Pennsylvania. He then practiced medicine for awhile in Murraysville, Pa.; in 1890-96 he practiced medicine at Cochran Mills, Pa.; and since 1896 has had a general medical practice in Chicago, 111. He has been medical examiner for the independent order of odd fellows; examiner for the Protected home circle; examiner for Court of honor; and medical examiner for the Columbian knights. He is a member of the Chicago medical association, Illinois state medical society, the American medical association, and is a member of the elks, masons, the mystic shriners, and various fraternal orders.

Almy, Frederic, lawyer, composer, was born Nov. 28, 1858, in New Bedford, Mass. Since 1894 he has been secretary of the Charity organization society of Buffalo, N.Y. He is joint author of libretto of two comic operas, entitled Trilby and Orpheus and Eurydice; and of The Nivagara Book.

academy; and then director of Merck's chemical and bacteriological laboratories. In 1894 he took a botanical excursion through the United States; in 1890-94 was a member of the board of pharmacy of New Jersey; and in 1899 was president of the New Jersey pharmaceutical association. He has made original researches on oils and terpenes of Aralia nudicaulis. He is the author of The Pharmacist at Work; and The Medicinal Plants of Staten Island. Aldricks, Hermanus, lawyer, historian, was born in 1804 at Lost Creek Mill, Pa. In 1814 his parents removed to Harrisburg, Pa. As a collector of historical traditions he was well known to cultivated people throughout the state. He was a state's deputy attorneygeneral in 1829. He died Jan. 28, 1874, in Harrisburg, Pa. Alricks, Peter, lawyer, jurist. In 1690 he was associate justice of the supreme court of Pennsylvania. Alschuler, Samuel, lawyer, statesman, was born Nov. 20, 1859, in Chicago, 111. He was educated at the Aurora high school; and since 1881 has practiced law in Chicago, m. In 1892 he was a democratic candidate for congress; and in 1900 was the democraIn tic candidate for governor of Illinois. 1893-96 he was a member of the state commission of claims; and in 1896-1900 was a