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HBRRINGSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. author of several measures which have been of great benefit to the dairymen and farmers of his state.

Ambler, Jacob A., lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born Feb. 18, 1829, in Pittsburg, Pa. He studied law in Ohio; and in 1857 was elected to the state legislature, serving two terms. In 1859-67 he was judge of the ninth judicial district of the state! In 1869-73 he was a representative from Ohio to the fortyfirst and forty-second congresses. He still practices law in Salem, Ohio, in partnership with his son, under the firm name of Ambler and son.

Ambler, James Markham Marshall, naval surgeon, was born Dec. 30, 1848, in Fauquier county, Va. Until 1879 he served at the naval hospital of Norfolk, Va., when he was selected as a volunteer for the post of surgeon to the Jeannette arctic expedition. His remains were found near those of De Long and Ah Sam by Chief Engineer Melville on March 33, 1882, and buried on Monument hill, on the Lena delta, the spot being marked by a pyramidal structure of stone and timber surmounted by a cross. Memoranda were found on his body on Ice Formed by Sea Water and Some Remarks on Snow Crystals, which were published with De Long's


Journal. bronze tablet made to commemorate his arctic services and death in the interest of scientific research is now in the naval museum of hygiene at Washington, D.C. He died Oct. 31, 1881, in Siberia.

Amblers, Mrs. Sara EUmaker, writer, auwas born Oct. 26, 1866, near Lancaster, Pa. She is the author of The Dear Old thor,

Home. Ambler, William Eglin, lawyer, state senDec. 18, 1845, in Meator, jurist, was dina, Ohio. In 1868-91 he practiced law in Pentwater, Mich. He has been president of the village. In 1878 was elected a member of the Michigan state senate, was re-elected in 1880; and was president pro tem of the state senate during his last term. He subsequently became judge of probate for Ocea-


na county. In 1891 he removed to Cleveland, Ohio. He possesses a fine and extensive autograph collection. Ambrose, George W.; lawyer, statesman, was born Oct. 5, 1836, in Detroit, Mich. He began the practice of law in Ann Arbor, Mich., and since 1867 has practiced his profession in Omaha, Neb. In 1876 he was eleeted a member of the Nebraska state senate. Ambrose, John L., organist, composer, was born in 1844 in Sandwich, N.H. For a number of years he has been first assistant clerk of courts for Middlesex county, Mass. He has composed church music; and has prepared a book of Male Quartettes for the use of masonic lodges. Ambrose, Paul, musician, organist, composer, was born Oct. 11, 1868, in Canada. Since 1890 he has been organist and. choirmaster at St. James' church of New York City. He


professor of music in the American institute of applied music. He is the composer of numerous sacred and secular songs, vocal duets and piano solos. Ambrust, Charles William, manufacturer, inventor, was born Dec. 2, 1861, in Schenectady, N.Y. I'or many years he was general superintendent of the National express company of Albany, N.Y.; and for a short time was vice-president of the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis railway company. In 1899 he organized the manufacturers' railway supply company of Chicago, of which he has always been president. He is the inventor of interlocking car brake shoes and other railway devices.


Amen, Harlan Page, was born April


educator, college prin14, 1853, in


county, Ohio. He received a thorough collegiate education; and graduated from Phillips

Exeter academy and from Harvard university. Since 1895 he has been principal of Phillips Exeter academy of New Hampshire. Amend, Edward B., lawyer, jurist. Since 1892 he has been justice of the siipreme court of New York, his present term expiring in -


Amerman, Lemuel, educator, lawyer, congressman, was born Oct. 29, 1846, near Danville, Pa. He was county solicitor for Lackawanna county in 1879-80; was representative in the Pennsylvania state legislature in 1881-84; was city comptroller of Scranton in 1885-86; and was reporter of the decisions of the supreme court of Pennsylvania in 1886-87. He was largely interested in the construction and operation of waterworks. In 1891-93 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the fifty-second congress as a democrat. He died Oct. 7, 1897, in Scranton, Pa.

Ames, Albert Alonzo, physician, surgeon, was born Jan. 18, 111. In 1852 he mov-

journalist, statesman, 1842, in Garden Prairie,



ed with his parents to Minneapolis when it was still a portion of the Fort Snelling reservation of Minnesota. In 1862 he graduated in medicine and at once




surgeon of the seventh regiment of Minnesota volunteer infantry. He was with his regiment for three years and in 1864 was promoted to the rank of major-surgeon. In 1868-74 he was managing editor of the Alta California, the leading paper on the pacific coast; and since 1874 has practiced medicine in Minneapolis, Minn. In 1867 he was elected a repres;

entative to the Minnesota state legislature; and in 1876-90 was mayor of Minneapolis, Minn. In 1886 he was the democratic nominee for governor of Minnesota; and subsequ-