HEKHINGSHAWS LIBEART OF AMEKICAN BIOGRAPHY. twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth general assemblies of Iowa. He is now reporter of the Iowa supreme court decisions. Cornwallis, Kinahan, lawyer, journalist, author, poet, was born Dec. 24, 1839, in London, England. He published in London fifteen novels of travel, history and poetry prior to coming to America. In 1860-66 he was editor and owner of the Knickerbocker Magazine; and also financial editor of the New York Herald in 1861-69. In 1886 he established The Daily Investigator of New York City, of which he is still editor and proprietor. He is the author of The Conquest of Mexico and Peru; The New Eldorado of British Columbia; Wreck and Ruin, or Modern Society; My Life and Adventures, an Autobiography; Adrift with a Vengeance; Pilgrims of Fashion; and The Gold Room and the New York Stock Exchange. George Rathbun, bookseller, Cornwell, statesman, was born Feb. 24, 1836, in Penn Yan, N.Y. For over forty years he was successfully
business in his native^*V^ town. In 1872-97 he ^^Hl was trustee of the Un ion school and in ^^H|. __ 1891-94 was president 'iiSI^ of the board of educa^^i* tion. In 1882-84 he was chairman of the Yates republican committee, was a national delegate to the republican convention of 1884; was a member of the New York assembly in 1887-88; was a member of the state constitutional convention in 1884; and in 1884, 1886 and 1888 was a candidate for congress from Yates county. Cornwell, Henry, Sylvester, physician,
^ w ^
was born in 1831 in New Hampshire. He was the author of The Land of Dreams
In 1868-73 he was president of Seton hall college. Orange, N.J.; and in 1873 became a Roman catholic archbishop. In 1885 he became metropolitan of the diocese of New York. He died May 5, 1902, in New York City.
Corrigan, Severinus John, astronomer, phyauthor, was born Jan. 8, 1852, in Troy, N.Y. He made special studies in electrical science; and advanced the new ICinetio theory of gases. He is the author of The Constituton anid Function of Gases, the Nature of Radiance, and the Law of Radiation. sician,
Corrigan, Thomas, capitalist, was born Dec. 31, 1825, in Canada. He was owner of all street railways, except one, in Kansas City; and in 1883 he sold his entire railway system to the Metropolitan street railway cimpany. He died March 1, 1894, in Kansas City,
Corrothers, James David, clergyman, lecturer, author, poet, was born July 2, 1869, in Calvin, Mich. Since 1894 he has been a clergyman of the baptist church. He is the author of The Black Cat Club; and Selected
Poems. Corse,
John Murray,
was born
April 27, 1835, in Pittsburg, Pa. He attended West Point and served through the civil war. He was colonel of the sixth regiment Iowa volunteer infantry, and distinguished himself Chickamauga. In at 1863 he was made brigadier-general of volunteers. In 1864 he de-
success against a superior force of confederates; and commanded a division of Sher-
march to Georgia and the Carolinas. In 1864
and Other Poems. He died in 1896 in New London, Conn. Cornwell, William Caryl, banker, author, was born Aug. 19, 1851, in Lyons, N.Y. He
he received the brevet of major-general. In 1867-69 he was collector of internal revenue in Chicago, 111.; and subsequently built several hundred miles of railroad in the neighborhood of Chicago. In 1886 he was appointed postmaster of Boston, Mass. He died April 27, 1893, in Winchester, Mass.
organized the City national bank of Buffalo in 1893, of which he is president. He is the author of Currency and Banking Law of
Canada. Corprew, George Washington, was born in Virginia. In 1818 he graduated from the United States military academy. In 1821 he became battalion quartermaster in the United States army; in 1832 he attained the rank of first lieutenant; and resigned in
He died in 1840. Corput, Kex Van Den, soldier, was born in Georgia. He served in the Spanish-American war as a captain. In 1901 he became second lieutenant United States artillery corps; and is now first lieutenant in the coast artillery at Fort Hancock, N.J. Corrigan, Michael Augustine, clergyman, bishop, was born Aug. 13, 1839, in Newark, 1833.
Corse, Montgomery Dent, soldier, banker, was born March 14, 1816, in Alexandria, D.C, He was a captain in the Mexican war; and lived in California in 1849-56; and then became a banker in Alexandria, Va. He enter-
ed the confederate service in 1861 as colonel; and was commissioned a brigadier-general in 1862. He died Feb. 11, 1895, in Alexandria,
Va. Corson, Allan, civil engineer, was born July 13, 1876, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1894 he graduated with the degree of A.B. from Central high school; and in 1898 with the degree of B.S. and C.E. from the university of Pennsylvania. He engaged in municipal work; and for many years has been in the